Prior to the pandemic I likely would have tried it.According to Google... not yet.
Until someone invents those, you'll have to settle for ramen.
0 trans fat- fantastic!
When in Wuhan...
Prior to the pandemic I likely would have tried it.According to Google... not yet.
Until someone invents those, you'll have to settle for ramen.
0 trans fat- fantastic!
When they’re arresting a guy for paddle boarding by himself in the middle of the ocean, and then throwing him in a crowded jail cell (to keep him safe), you know it’s not about the virus anymore.
The amount of government overreach is truly concerning. But it’s also helped me identify the redcoats in my neighborhood! ?
But after they get to jail, let him out because it’s too dangerous.
Another week, and instead of doubling twice in a week, we doubled once (about 21K total deaths, 11K in a week). Pretty huge decrease, things are taking effect.It's the next Monday, and we are nailing the 10K number. Hopefully social distancing will kick in. Otherwise, based on the doubling rate, looking at 40,000 dead by Monday, 12 April.
That's 30,000 dead this week.
I’m not being sarcastic. I have literally received a letter from my company to show in case I have to justify me moving about freely. It seemed silly at the time but ridiculous authoritarian restrictions are popping up everywhere now. I’m happy the corporation I work for has been deemed “essential” so I can continue to earn money. For those not so fortunate... papers please. Return to your home until some judge decides you’re allowed to work or move about freely. I can’t believe I’m even having this argument with you.
My company has done the same thing, Critical Infrastructure. One of our contractors was pulled over on 95 and asked what he was doing. After telling the officer he was a contractor working for the utility he was still told to return home. Now we are sending letters to all our contractors to carry on their person so they can avoid this situation from happening again.
While the rest of the world succumbs to mass panic and hysteria, the Karens slowly smile, recognizing that this is the moment they’ve been waiting for their whole lives.
This is my big question, and it’s been troubling me: what is Karen’s husband’s name? And is he a hen-pecked beta male cuck? Socks with his sandals and cargo shorts type of dude? Or a normal guy who’s had to watch his wife slowly morph into Karen. Does he roll his eyes at his wife’s annoying antics or does he agree with her to his very core.
Oh the questions.
dang, what state was this in?
out here in WA LE are so understaffed they can't even respond to actual emergencies every time they are called so it isn't realistic they could even do that enforcement out here.Maryland
They must be focused on the highways, because many of the locals down here in St. Mary's county seem to be going about business as usual, and I've only seen 1-2 sheriff's vehicles in over a week.Maryland