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CY 2011 DCO IW/IP/Intel boards: discussion and speculation


Well-Known Member
mbstroz, we just had the COs and some of the staff from NIOC GA and NR NIOC GA up visiting us last drill weekend. Cool guys! And your attitude is the attitude to have...

By the way: to those who find out you're non-select, I know it's rough news to hear. But don't let it get you down for too long. Keep moving forward...


Marc (IP Ensign)
That's what is funny. I am a leader. I have been a leader since 93 with quantifiable proof. After 10 years Army I became a site manager for L3 in charge of 5 countries Intel systems and I am now a Development manager for General Dynamics and a security manager for 130 people. I oooze leadership at this point. I do need some more community stuff but I do have some so it's not a negative.


Marc (IP Ensign)
mbstroz, we just had the COs and some of the staff from NIOC GA and NR NIOC GA up visiting us last drill weekend. Cool guys! And your attitude is the attitude to have...

By the way: to those who find out you're non-select, I know it's rough news to hear. But don't let it get you down for too long. Keep moving forward...
The NIOC GA is a great bunch of people and take care of business. I look forward to drilling here in the future. It's a great mission and area. I've been here for about 17 years.


Marc (IP Ensign)
Maybe. They're loss if they think I'm to old. I'll keep applying. I've forgotten more than most 20 year olds have learned at this point.


New Member
Can anyone tell me what the selection criteria was for those who were selected for Intel? what about those who were not (myself included) so that I can improve my package for September? Apparently no one from my NIRR was picke up...strange, very strange


Marc (IP Ensign)
Board Reason for selections.

This is what I got back for
Selected applications possessed all of the following general attributes:

  • quantifiable leadership/supervision (military/civilian),
  • strong educational performance,
  • intelligence-related work experience,
  • civic/community involvement,
  • well-written motivational statements,
  • 100% confidence NIRR OIC endorsements and outstanding panel interviews.
Selected applications possessed all of the following general attributes:

  • outstanding appraisals (military),
  • professional letters of recommendation from direct supervisors,
  • type degree/level of education/GPA,
  • job experience (DoD/Govt. Employee/Contractor with Security Clearance),
  • significant leadership experience and strong motivational/personal statement.
Selected applications possessed all of the following general attributes:

  • quantifiable leadership/supervision (military/civilian),
  • demonstrated educational performance,
  • work experience,
  • technical certifications,
  • civic/community involvement,
  • strong and well-written motivational statements,
  • outstanding interviews and recommendations.
Not Selected
Non-selected applications possessed one or more of the following general attributes:

  • less than 100% confidence NIRR OIC endorsement,
  • less than outstanding panel interviews,
  • lack of quantifiable leadership,
  • lack of demonstrated educational performance,
  • demonstrated poor writing skills and civilian employment/skill set not applicable


New Member
My $0.02

Don't let age discourage any of you. I am 44 years young and was selected in Sept. 2010 (same board as Das). I'll be 45 in June. Keep taking pointers from Das. He has been right on.

LOR's are very important. I spoke last DWE to someone who has sat on DIRCOM boards. He says they move pretty quickly and the LORs are ALWAYS read by the board. Kind of a quick summation of the applicant.

IMO, Leadership and education outweigh any community service, but to show you as a well rounded applicant, community service is important. Physical readiness is also something they take into consideration. Are you active? or a couch-slug?

This was my final paragraph in my Mo-Statement:

"My sincerest request would be that the members of the Selection Board would allow me the ability to serve our Country. Service at a time when strong leadership and dedication is paramount to our great Nation.

Your consideration is greatly appreciated."

BTW- I am an Intel guy. My day job.... a banker. Don't let your kids go into banking..... its a ruthless profession.

Hang in there everyone- any ? let me know.


New Member
One more thing- No age waiver was required because with prior service, I am able to get 20 years of service in before age 60. Are you prior service?


Well-Known Member
Marine66, thanks for chiming in! For those wondering about Marine66's age, the IDC communities now have an age limit of 42, but will grant a year-for-year credit for prior military service up to age 50.

See also CNRC NOTE 1131 for information on all board schedules that take place for the remainder of FY11 (look for "DCO"). When the FY12 schedule is released, it will be made available under CNRC NOTICES (look for "OFFICER PROFESSIONAL RECOMMENDATION (PR) BOARD SCHEDULING BUSINESS RULES AND SCHEDULE"). This schedule contains the board dates as well as the deadline to have package materials submitted.

Remember two things:

1. The Navy uses the "whole person" concept when evaluating applicants, so concentrate on improving everything you can.

2. It's all about the needs of the Navy, which can explain inexplicably low selection rates for certain communities or regions.

Another thing that helps immensely is keeping up on events related to your desired community and the IDC. I know some of you are already "in the business" or a related line of work, but I would also recommend to become familiar with the materials posted at the two links in my sig. When your interviewer sees you're already knowledgable about your community and the IDC, that can be a plus as well.


New Member
Still no word. It won't be until at least Monday, at this point. Has anyone out there that has been selected heard anything? I just keep hoping "no news is good news," and all that.


Well-Known Member
All of the results are out for select and non-select. They're in the same results letter. Hopefully anyone who hasn't heard yet will be able to find out soon.