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DDG-1000 dead in the water!


How do you fly a Clipper?
Good call I think, it will be interesting to read what you SWO types (and everyone else for that matter) are thinking.


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
Great, another shipbuilding fiasco, a la the Seawolf submarine.

Having a small number of anything is more trouble than it's worth. You incur almost all the fixed costs (design, logistics, etc.) without ever getting economies of scale on the variable costs. The "silver bullet" procurement plans for the B-2, F-22, Seawolf, and now this mean that we've thrown money down ratholes with little combat effectiveness gained from any of them. We'd have been better off continuing production runs on upgraded versions of earlier platforms.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
I say good, they tried to do too much with it, just like the USAF always seems to do with their programs.
Yes, but though I understand not throwing good money after bad, I wonder what we could have done with the money thrown at this, the A-12, and the LCS. The airframes and hulls we have today aren't going to hack it forever now that everyone and their mother are buying Flankers and the Chinese are catching up. Who knows who they'd sell to. The enemy of my enemy is my friend . . .


I'm much more worried about Anti Ship Missiles of the super sonic and ballistc variety, then I am of flankers.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
I'm much more worried about Anti Ship Missiles of the super sonic and ballistc variety, then I am of flankers.
I brought it up as a generic open source example to say that just because we are having issues fielding new weapons doesn't mean that the rest of the world won't do their damnedest to catch up. Which means we need to work to stay ahead.

Unfortunately, the deterrent effect of a "fleet in being" doesn't do a very good job of convincing the ADD-addled American public that people out there want to kill us and work against our interests. The fact that we do a good job of keeping the threats away makes too many think that they don't exist.


Working Plan B
Pion's estimate:

Things are going to get much much worse before they can possibly get better.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Yes, but though I understand not throwing good money after bad, I wonder what we could have done with the money thrown at this, the A-12, and the LCS. The airframes and hulls we have today aren't going to hack it forever now that everyone and their mother are buying Flankers and the Chinese are catching up. Who knows who they'd sell to. The enemy of my enemy is my friend . . .

Well, assuming those funds would have been made available to other procurement avenues (unlikely), we could have bought many more of everything we already had Hornets, Rhinos, Growlers, Burke flavored DDG, Nimitz-like CNVs, etc. I'd much rather have another CSG or two than a handful of technology demonstration platforms that never go into full production.



Jobu needs a refill!
I'd much rather have another CSG or two than a handful of technology demonstration platforms that never go into full production.

Exactly, give me some souped-up/21st century FFG's. Plenty of command opportunities for SWO's, great ships too. Small, can be made quite capable, and can pull in anywhere virtually unassisted.

Especially with the Romeo coming online, vessels of that type are potent, and can be made in numbers that matter.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Exactly, give me some souped-up/21st century FFG's. Plenty of command opportunities for SWO's, great ships too. Small, can be made quite capable, and can pull in anywhere virtually unassisted.

Especially with the Romeo coming online, vessels of that type are potent, and can be made in numbers that matter.
If the LCS hadn't gotten mired in its present situation, I bet it could have been that. Add some TLAMS and a bigger gun. Like a DDG with no Aegis, smaller than the old DDs .


Super Moderator
If the LCS hadn't gotten mired in its present situation, I bet it could have been that. Add some TLAMS and a bigger gun. Like a DDG with no Aegis, smaller than the old DDs .

Part of the problem is that from what I have seen, the only missiles it carries are RAM's for missile defense. That and a 57mm gun is all? And what littoral is it suppose to operate in? Kind of pathetic.......:(


Old RIOs never die: They just can't fast-erect
A new DD cost about $100MM in the late 60's. That's a higher rate of cost increases than healthcare, FCOL. We may now have to buy one ship & let the blackshoes take turns driving it!