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Dear Mr. Obama


Was sent this video by a friend who is actually a Democrat. It caught him off guard a bit. If it is ever used, it seems like it could be "The Commercial" of the campaign season.



Four fans of freedom, all day long
Sad part is, too many Americans would see this but not hear what this gentleman is saying.


Well-Known Member
If we went in to get rid of SH's WMDs, and there weren't any, and we've lost over 4,000 of ours and over 100,000 of theirs and counting, how is that not a mistake? Why is it so hard to call a spade a spade? Afghanistan was NOT a mistake. What we're doing in Iraq, which is a worthy and honorable undertaking, is making the best of a situation that according to almost everyone these days was launched on faulty intelligence. We didn't go into Iraq to "liberate the Iraqi people"... There's plenty of peoples in the world living under horrible dictators whom we could have chosen to "liberate" if that was our concern. We went in to take preemptive action against what turned out to be a non-existent threat. This clip equates our efforts to bring stability to the situation with our decision to go in in the first place. To make an ad that presumes to speak for the views of everyone in the service in order to benefit a certain presidential candidate, especially when those who serve are not supposed to publicize their political views, doesn't buy my vote.


Super Moderator
Was sent this video by a friend who is actually a Democrat. It caught him off guard a bit. If it is ever used, it seems like it could be "The Commercial" of the campaign season.

After seeing the above post, I notice for the first time one of your quotes:

'If hooking up an Iraqi prisoner's balls to a car's battery cables will save one Texas GI's life, then I have just three things to say; Red is positive, Black is negative, and make sure his balls are wet.' - T. B. Bechtel, Midland, TX Councilman

If you and the supposed Councilman really feel that way, then I pity the both of you. :( That is, if he really existed.



Brett327 gargles ballsacks
especially when those who serve are not supposed to publicize their political views, doesn't buy my vote.

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume the guy is no longer in the service. Someone who lost a leg in the shit can say whatever the hell he wants, and endorse whichever candidate he chooses, in any way he chooses.


Registered User
This ad was not made or endorsed by the McCain camp BTW.... just this Army Specialist on his own accord.


Super Moderator
I'm going to go out on a limb and assume the guy is no longer in the service. Someone who lost a leg in the shit can say whatever the hell he wants, and endorse whichever candidate he chooses, in any way he chooses.




How do you fly a Clipper?
I'm going to go out on a limb and assume the guy is no longer in the service. Someone who lost a leg in the shit can say whatever the hell he wants, and endorse whichever candidate he chooses, in any way he chooses.

Damn straight. You can argue whether or not our intentions were honorable all you want...but I do believe our intentions ARE honorable NOW, and to give up would really be the mistake.

Pigz is just pointing out what will be a good ad for the McCain campaign...and it's probably one of the best I've seen as it doesn't take the low road - it just points out what, exactly, Obama is calling a mistake.


Former SWO
Every time I step into a thread like this, Flash always manages to say what I want to say and brings more clout to the table than I do anyways. I agree with him completely.

edit: "The day we lose our will to fight is the day we lose our freedom"

What freedom would we have lost by not invading Iraq, precisely? Tell me what we've gained, and thousands of families will tell you what they've lost.


Every time I step into a thread like this, Flash always manages to say what I want to say and brings more clout to the table than I do anyways. I agree with him completely.

edit: "The day we lose our will to fight is the day we lose our freedom"

What freedom would we have lost by not invading Iraq, precisely? Tell me what we've gained, and thousands of families will tell you what they've lost.

Impossible to know and statements like that are pointless for that very reason.

I don't have all the intelligence that the big guys who run the war have.

I'm a civilian and my view is that if it was left alone then a lot of things could have happened.

Sure no WMDs were found.

Does that mean there would ever be any in the future? No.

Does it meant that there wouldn't? No.

Are the Iraqi people on there way to a better future?

I think many might agree with that. And some won't.

Here are some possible outcomes....

withdraw from Iraq now and the U.S. loses a lot of credibility.(as some believe it already has)

Make it a success and history will likely treat the war as such.

The loss of the brave young men and women over there is no doubt in my mind a tragedy, but the fact is that everyone of them volunteered to serve and by doing so accepted the risks of their duty.

If families do not understand that then it is by their own fault.
I'm talking folks like Cindy Sheehan.

And perhaps the freedom we would have lost by not invading Iraq would have been the freedom to strike first.


Well-Known Member
Every time I step into a thread like this, Flash always manages to say what I want to say and brings more clout to the table than I do anyways. I agree with him completely.

edit: "The day we lose our will to fight is the day we lose our freedom"

What freedom would we have lost by not invading Iraq, precisely? Tell me what we've gained, and thousands of families will tell you what they've lost.

Who knows, but ya know.... what goes on beyond our borders is NOT our concern.

I mean, shoot, we turned away the Jews in the 30's and 40's by the boatload and sent them back to the ovens of Auschwitz. I'm sure that was the right thing to do....


How do you fly a Clipper?
Who knows, but ya know.... what goes on beyond our borders is NOT our concern.

I mean, shoot, we turned away the Jews in the 30's and 40's by the boatload and sent them back to the ovens of Auschwitz. I'm sure that was the right thing to do....

Bias. :D You know some still think that never happened. :banghead_

+1 though Otto...concur completely.