If we went in to get rid of SH's WMDs, and there weren't any, and we've lost over 4,000 of ours and over 100,000 of theirs and counting, how is that not a mistake? Why is it so hard to call a spade a spade? Afghanistan was NOT a mistake. What we're doing in Iraq, which is a worthy and honorable undertaking, is making the best of a situation that according to almost everyone these days was launched on faulty intelligence. We didn't go into Iraq to "liberate the Iraqi people"... There's plenty of peoples in the world living under horrible dictators whom we could have chosen to "liberate" if that was our concern. We went in to take preemptive action against what turned out to be a non-existent threat. This clip equates our efforts to bring stability to the situation with our decision to go in in the first place. To make an ad that presumes to speak for the views of everyone in the service in order to benefit a certain presidential candidate, especially when those who serve are not supposed to publicize their political views, doesn't buy my vote.