Wow those are some very impressive scores. I've never seen anyone get straight 9s. You definitely have bragging rights. Good job.Notified this morning by NOR Indianapolis that I have been pro-rec'd for SNA. My package was submitted in mid-September for the December board.
Purdue University (Graduating Dec '13)
BS Aeronautical Engineering - 3.48 GPA
ASTB - 9/9/9 66
3 LOR - 2 Former Coaches, 1 Retired Naval Aviator
Private Pilot License - 53 hrs
Currently working towards getting a Lasik waiver. Lasik performed on 12/18/12. 1-month, 3-month, and 6-month post-op checks all seeing 20/15.
Good luck to everyone!
Notified this morning by NOR Indianapolis that I have been pro-rec'd for SNA. My package was submitted in mid-September for the December board.
WOW man those are impressive scores!!! holy cow! whats perfect? 10's
Purdue University (Graduating Dec '13)
BS Aeronautical Engineering - 3.48 GPA
ASTB - 9/9/9 66
3 LOR - 2 Former Coaches, 1 Retired Naval Aviator
Private Pilot License - 53 hrs
Currently working towards getting a Lasik waiver. Lasik performed on 12/18/12. 1-month, 3-month, and 6-month post-op checks all seeing 20/15.
Good luck to everyone!
Agreeed!!!!!!Wow those are some very impressive scores. I've never seen anyone get straight 9s. You definitely have bragging rights. Good job.
The way my OR described it to me was that the Board convenes once they have enough applications. He also, had one of his applicants selected but they submitted back in August-Sept. and he shipped out in Oct. True story. But as of now he believes that the Board will stay on schedule and convene in December with selections posted before Christmas, before everyone goes on Christmas-New Years vacation.So with rolling boards, is there any average time frame between package receipt and board results being given? Or is it just totally random?
Is everyone positive that there is a rolling board? I really hope so.
After submitting the package, I don't know if it would be better to track this board to get the latest gouge (stressed out but informed) or to just check out and let go (ignorance is bliss) until receiving an official status update.
Who is applying for what boards?
I submitted for SNA/NFO/IW/Intel/SWO.
I was told for the positions I want that I only need to take the OAR portion of the ASTB. Has anyone taken only the OAR and was it only the Reading/Math/Mechanical what you were tested on?
If later I want to apply say, NFO, which I need the rest of the test for, does anyone know if I have to take the entire ASTB again or just the missing sections?
Any clarification is much appreciated! These answers may influence the positions I'm going for, I'll update later!
I am applying for Supply/SWO/Intel. I took only the OAR portion and yes, it is the reading/math/mechanical tests. If you wanted to later try for a position that required the rest of the ASTB, you would have to retake the entire thing, and your most recent score would count. So say you got a 60 on the OAR when you only took it, but then you decided to take the full, and you made a 6/6/6 56. That 56 is the OAR that is submitted.
Hope that clarifies things for you a little. Good luck with your decision and application!