I am applying for this board and I was hoping someone more experienced could answer some questions. I am particularly interested about understanding this rolling board more. I have a loose understanding, but it would be nice to know more.
from here:
http://www.cnrc.navy.mil/publications/NOTICES/1131FY12 encl 3.pdf
I know that it is convened upon receiving enough(a minimum number) application and there is no set date.
NavyOffRec remarked that the board we are concerned with is "lightly rolling".(
1. Now one of my question is what does lightly rolling indicate? From descriptions of other rolling boards they meet quite often. Does lightly mean that this SNA/NFO/SWO board is not going to meet as often as is traditional with rolling boards?
2. Another question I have is will we be notified with the board convenes? The scheduled date for the board was December 2nd, but the board is no longer operating on that schedule correct? Reading other threads. It seems like this is kind of hit and miss and it just depends on if we are lucky enough to get information.
3. I guess this is just a "so wadduya think" questions. Since many thought there could have been a hard deadline of Nov 6th, do you think there were many more kits than the minimum for the rolling boards? Perhaps making this board a much more competitive one?
4. A question about my particular predicament. My OR sent in my application on the 5th. Will a I receive an e-mail confirmation that it was received, or will I need to e-mail someone at NRC?
And here are my stats if anyone is interested and since I haven't posted them:
Oar 55, 6/6/5
GPA 3.48 BA in Philosophy from UCLA (graduated 3/2013)
3 LOR/ One from supervisor, one from prof, one from president of judo club
Recruiter liked my Motivational statement, hopefully the board will too.
Applying for NFO/SNA/SWO