Thanks, I like it when people type nice and slow for me. I'm surprised the (pretty shitty) meme hurt your feelings so badly. But I looked at it again and didn't see anything about unions, social programs, Keynesian vs. Chicago economics, etc. So in spite of your going nice and slow for me, I still don't understand where you got privatized military (although that's kind of a thing these days), military can't understand economics, blah blah
BUT...Since you asked so nicely, I'm happy to tell you what I think about people on active duty criticizing unions and other social programs. Of course they can! Bonus points if they know what the fuck they're talking about.
And it's very clear that you STILL have not gone to teh googles and figured out what TPA is, how it relates to TTIP and TPP, and what the Obama administration's position is. If you had, you probably would have typed nice and slowly something like, "Geez, IRFly, I didn't know that the Obama administration has gone through bruising battles in Congress, fighting both his own party and the opposition, in order to push for the biggest free trade deals in the history of the world. Thanks for pointing that out so I don't sound like an ignorant jackass in the future when I discuss the Obama administration's relationship with unions and positions on trade and protectionism."
Aaaaaand...Back on topic...