I'd venture to say there is, considering how many people are on welfare and how many peopel should not be on it in the first place.
There is money to be saved everywhere though. Too much money going to ridiculous causes and things.
One of the Areas in Daytons 2nd District is a State housing project. I got to work plenty of Foot Patrols there. Residents either payed $37 a month for the apartment (2 bedroom duplex, Aprox 850 Sq Ft) or a Percentage of thier wage from any job they had (most worked under the table if at all). There were approx 40 units all but about 3 housing familys of 4 or larger (as many as 8). Out of the residents we worked with Id venture that no more then 8 familys held regular wage paying jobs. The others recieved foot stamps and wellfare. These are people that would piss and moan about how bad they had it, meanwhile they were living the bling life, Plasma TV, better food then we eat (for the parents the kids near starved) one guy had even had Spinners on his car.
Theres a lot of people like this on welfare, basically these are the guys that realized if you dont have any recorded money then its cheaper to pay the 10% income tax then the flat $200 in Monopoly. This is where your tax money goes ladies and gentlemen. This and the bumbling mistake that is the Red Cross..... but thats another thread intirely.