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Does the navy still use hueys


Well-Known Member
If you want to do DA, join the Army and chase the SOAR. If you want to do CSAR, join the USAF and go RQS. If you want to do SAR, join the USCG. If you want a dumb haircut and say things like "yut" join the Marines.

However, if I were going into Naval Rotary Wing I would recommend HSM and flying the MH-60R. Simply put that is a true Naval helicopter with a true Navy mission. GWOT for the most part is gone, and everything the Navy does is to prepare for the high end fight. A MH-60R has a place in there, but by far and large the MH-60S does not (other than typical fleet support of logistics/SAR with a couple other niche caveats).

Additionally, there is a lot of change happening right now in HSC and you have to get your mind right that you may be flying the MQ-8 in addition to the MH-60S. I also want to point out that HSC-85 may not be around by the time you would be done with flight school and a JO tour. That info is not to say that HSC is bad, or you will not have a good time, it's just changing a lot and different from previous years/experiences. HSC is one of the most diverse communities in regards to how you deploy, where you deploy, and what you do when you deploy and you have nearly zero control over which squadron you go to, which detachment/deployment you go on, or what you do when you deploy. Personal experiences in HSC vary greatly and that needs to be understood.

I'm sure the majority of people here will agree that the squadron you go to and the people around you will have a lot to do with if you're happy. This job is all what you make out of it, so having the right attitude is key, and going into a community with zero expectations as to what you think you will do is also key. Good luck!


If you want to do DA, join the Army and chase the SOAR. If you want to do CSAR, join the USAF and go RQS. If you want to do SAR, join the USCG. If you want a dumb haircut and say things like "yut" join the Marines.

However, if I were going into Naval Rotary Wing I would recommend HSM and flying the MH-60R. Simply put that is a true Naval helicopter with a true Navy mission. GWOT for the most part is gone, and everything the Navy does is to prepare for the high end fight. A MH-60R has a place in there, but by far and large the MH-60S does not (other than typical fleet support of logistics/SAR with a couple other niche caveats).

Additionally, there is a lot of change happening right now in HSC and you have to get your mind right that you may be flying the MQ-8 in addition to the MH-60S. I also want to point out that HSC-85 may not be around by the time you would be done with flight school and a JO tour. That info is not to say that HSC is bad, or you will not have a good time, it's just changing a lot and different from previous years/experiences. HSC is one of the most diverse communities in regards to how you deploy, where you deploy, and what you do when you deploy and you have nearly zero control over which squadron you go to, which detachment/deployment you go on, or what you do when you deploy. Personal experiences in HSC vary greatly and that needs to be understood.

I'm sure the majority of people here will agree that the squadron you go to and the people around you will have a lot to do with if you're happy. This job is all what you make out of it, so having the right attitude is key, and going into a community with zero expectations as to what you think you will do is also key. Good luck!
OP: This is gold.

Between all the squadrons I'd offer that I probably knew maybe 75ish HSC pilots in my year group (basically what amounts to an overall community "class year") out of maybe 150 (my best guess). Of those I think 3 of them ended up at 84/85 via ACDU. One or two others got there after they transferred from ACDU to FTS (reserves). So it's a small %.

As @loadtoad said, HSC does A LOT of different things:
-CVN HSC ops (starboard D, SUW, CSAR)
-USNS vertrep
-hospital ships
-bahrain det for logistics
-kuwait/Iraq air ambulance (no longer a thing)
-italy det for VIP support (still a thing?)
-LCS dets now with MQ-8 and AMCM
-there are a few examples of fleet HSC doing CSAR or DA but most of those were flash in the pan type things that didn't last


-italy det for VIP support (still a thing?)

The Italy det is still a thing as of 2019. Technically you're the air det for MOUNT WHITNEY but they get some good flying in. The last squadron that was doing it was HSC-28 (The octopuses or whatever they're called) from Norfolk.

There are also some occasional dets in interesting places in SIXTH FLT AOR doing CSAR but there's no rhyme or reason as to how those happen.


FERS and TSP contributor!
OP: This is gold.

Between all the squadrons I'd offer that I probably knew maybe 75ish HSC pilots in my year group (basically what amounts to an overall community "class year") out of maybe 150 (my best guess). Of those I think 3 of them ended up at 84/85 via ACDU. One or two others got there after they transferred from ACDU to FTS (reserves). So it's a small %.

As @loadtoad said, HSC does A LOT of different things:
-CVN HSC ops (starboard D, SUW, CSAR)
-USNS vertrep
-hospital ships
-bahrain det for logistics
-kuwait/Iraq air ambulance (no longer a thing)
-italy det for VIP support (still a thing?)
-LCS dets now with MQ-8 and AMCM
-there are a few examples of fleet HSC doing CSAR or DA but most of those were flash in the pan type things that didn't last
Full circle to 1980's era HC. Sigh.

Where there any personal awards for valor by a Navy helo type during GWOT?
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Full circle to 1980's era HC. Sigh.

Where there any personal awards for valor by a Navy helo type during GWOT?
Lots on the USMC side. I'd be surprised if the 84/85 folks had a few. For instance: Some of my buds got single action air medals from CNAL for the admin move of SEALs ISO a HVT grab in challenging conditions.


Lots on the USMC side. I'd be surprised if the 84/85 folks had a few. For instance: Some of my buds got single action air medals from CNAL for the admin move of SEALs ISO a HVT grab in challenging conditions.
Edit: I'd be surprised if the 84/85 folks DIDN'T have a few.