In the Spring of 99 I got my Private Pilots License prior to joining the Navy, went to OCS Aug 99, Commissioned in Nov 99, API in Feb 00, Winged July 2001 as an Ensign, Completed the FRS as an Ensign. 4 months of down time throughout the whole process, 3 of which was between OCS & API. Only 2.5 years from the the first day of OCS to the day I hit the fleet. The whole point of the timeline was to point out a few things:
I started on a PPL, got to 12 hours, having soloed and flown a bunch of solos. It was from the flying club at NAS Norfolk, so I was experienced taxiing my C-152 around C-5s. I remember looking at a C172 and thinking "big iron".
I graduated AOCS in October 85, FAM1 28 January 86 (Challenger was exploding on the Ready Room TV as I walked out the door), winged December 86 in the E2 pipeline, through the RAG by July 87. So 2 years flat from getting my AOCS haircut. Flew twice a day 6 days a week through most of T34s and all of T2s (full syllabus minus GUNs). My timing was good and I was lucky.
I remember looking at the FORM syllabus in T2s, thinking this is lengthy (17 flights). Nine days later I was done.
I left my fleet squadron having only been a LT for a few months. Showed up at the VT for an instructor tour, and just missed one of my AOCS classmates who did the jet pipeline and then SERGRAD. Separated and went into the reserves at the 7 year mark.
I still think they should evaluate glider training.