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Dress Khakis

Do you want the CNO to bring back the dress khaki or some newer version of it?

  • Yes

    Votes: 48 51.1%
  • No

    Votes: 41 43.6%
  • He's my CNO, I'll do whatever he says

    Votes: 5 5.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Back from the range
[/QUOTE]Do you ever wear the wash khakis?[/QUOTE]

All the time standing duty on the boat.


OK, I'm going to throw in a little perspective here based on some of the comments I'm seeing in this thread with regard to the TFU changes. I came up wearing the "original" Dungarees, then experienced the switch to Utilities/Coveralls, but since I have been in college the past two years, I have not seen any of the NWU concepts in action.

First, let me say that the Dungarees were an outstanding uniform. Cheap, durable, looked good, fit well, cleaned up easily. The only downside was that, unlike every other services working uniform, we were never allowed to wear them off base for even short trips. (gas station, drive through, day care, etc..) Many also complained about the "Gas station attendant/prisoner" effect.

Then the utilities came allong. We were told that these would be a big improvement over what we had. Not true in every respect. First, they were twice as expensive as Dungarees were. Not necessarially a problem, if they last a while. They don't.

1) They shrink like you wouldn't belive. I wear 36 pants, but I had to buy 44 utilities if I didnt' want them to look painted on.

2) They fade. Dungs were supposed to do this. Utes aren't.

3) They are not durable. Don't even look at your Utes cross-eyed, or you will get holes showing up in random places.

4) They don't clean up. The shipboard environment is extremely dirty, and these uniforms simply did not clean up in the wash like Dungs would.

What we were left with was a "working" uniform that was completely unacceptable for its intended purpose. To top it off, we still were not allowed to wear them off base until about a year ago. Thankfully we did get the coveralls, which are accepted as the de-facto working uniform (at least for affloat commands). Of course, coveralls aren't even allowed off of the Pier. So, you'll forgive me for being pro NWU. There's no possible way it can be worse than the Utes.

Next, let's cover the space issue. It's all well and good to bring the bare minimum onto the boat the day you get u/w and have it fit into your stateroom/jo jungle with room to spare. Lots of junior guys live on the boat. They, not us, are the ones who will benifit the most from eliminating redundant uniforms.


As for SDK's, I'll admit they look good, but I couldn't see myself forking out the cash for a set if I didn't need to. If they become mandatory I'll get them, and I probably woln't even complain that much about it. (I chose the third poll option)


Registered User
Correct me if I'm wrong, but since we already have the shoes, pants, etc, wouldn't the coat be the only thing we'd have to buy?


Remotely piloted
Super Moderator
First, let me say that the Dungarees were an outstanding uniform. Cheap, durable, looked good, fit well, cleaned up easily....

I don't know, man ...The color varieties were endless. Some dudes wearing dungarees so faded they were robin egg blue. Others wearing dark blue ones. Tight jeans with your named stenciled to your a$$. Add a pair of not- shined boondockers and a command ballcap and you have something special...


Correct me if I'm wrong, but since we already have the shoes, pants, etc, wouldn't the coat be the only thing we'd have to buy?

Probably need a khaki shirt that buttons all the way up so you can wear a tie. Don't think a wash khaki shirt would cut it :)

On a positive note, it's another opportunity to wear shoulder boards and really get the $40 worth out of them.


READ IT AND WEEP, you cheap, waaah,waaah, waaaah , "I can't-afford-another-uniform; whatever shall I do??? :eek:" .... pansies!!! Get used to a "real" Navy-man's uniform instead of the gender-normed polyester crap you wear today .... :)

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
.... Lookin' GOOD, Chester ....


Professional Javelin Catcher
Not a huge fan unless they eliminate the requirement to carry every version of every dress uniform on deployment. Don't get me wrong - I agree w/ our resident ha'ole - they do look good. Seems as if TFU is working in reverse though. The point was to make seabags smaller not add to what we have to tote around. They'd be a great dress uniform for cruise/occasions that don't require full-tilt dress up.

In the meantime, God forbid I wear a bag someplace I shouldn't.


I don't know, man ...The color varieties were endless. Some dudes wearing dungarees so faded they were robin egg blue. Others wearing dark blue ones. Tight jeans with your named stenciled to your a$$. Add a pair of not- shined boondockers and a command ballcap and you have something special...

I'll buy that. Not everyone liked the Bee Gees look some folks had going. Still, it was a way more functional uniform then the utilities. At any rate, They're all but history now. Even if I woln't have to wear it, I'm happy for all the guys and gals that are going to benifit.

A4sForever said:
.... Lookin' GOOD, Chester ....

A4's, hilarious as always. No worries, soon as it hits the NEX, I'll be first in line to pick up a set. I'll be b!tchin the whole time though. It's like they say, a b!tchin sailor is a happy sailor.


Maybe, maybe not, maybe go fvck yourself.
The article gives good reasons to bring back the jacket ie not having to change when a more formal uniform is needed just throw on the jacket. I'm telling you, aviation greens...thats where its at. Thats all we need.


I Can Has Leadership!
^ Nah... even better... just make the bag a dress/service/working/utility uniform :D

...and yet another reason why I'll never be CNO...


I don't know if I'd want the bag to become a uniform...then we'd have all sorts of crappy rules and we'd have to keep it free of grease and clean for public viewing.

Any uniform with a tie is man's uniform. Makes you look good and professional. I've always kind of liked the adaptability of the USMC's chucks. They can wear short sleeves with it when its warm and they want to be a tad more relaxed. You can wear long sleeves and a tie with it if you want to dress it up a bit, or if its cold. And then, if you need to look really sharp, throw on the jacket. Sharp and utilitarian. All accomplished with a minimum amount of stuff to own/pack.

I love the aviation greens, and have thought long and hard about getting a pair for something different but very traditional to wear on non-fly days, but I'm not gonna drop the money if they're on the way out. Plus, its kind of a bummer that they're another squadron spaces only uniform. Not a problem for some of you who don't share a base with haters, but around here there are always people who care a bit too much sticking their nose in others business.

That being said, if they brought back the SDKs, I'd buy a pair.

For those who've worn them, did you used to wear brown shoes with them?


Pags said:
.....around here there are always people who care a bit too much sticking their nose in others business.
I can't think of a better reason to wear them .... ;)
Pags said:
......for those who've worn them, did you used to wear brown shoes with them?
ABSOLUTELY !!! Real leather ones, by the way ... NOT plastic. :)


I Can Has Leadership!
In response to the comment about the chucks, that's what I liked about the Army's greens (wore'em in HS)... it was the exact same principle... and you could throw on a tie with the short sleeve shirt under the jacket in the summer...

And yeah... I wouldn't want the bag to become a "real" uniform either...


Registered User
.... the MAJOR reason for Task Force Uniform was because people couldn't fit all their uniforms into a seabag. The new uni's were created to start cutting uniforms out... not add old ones back in

Well, TFU didn"t succeed in reducing uniforms. In addition to the blue utils. for the ship we get new green ones for the woods and tan ones for the desert...
If your keeping score, that's one version of cammies for the Army, two for the USMC, and three for the Navy: WTFO? Riht up there with the AF plan to have their own pattern (and I quote an AF general) "because you should be able to tell the difference between Army and AF personnel at 100 yards". Here I was thinking the idea was to NOT be seen.

Back to DK- great idea IF they change current khakis so you can just throw the tie and jacket on, and if SDBs and Summer Whites become extinct. I've spent all day at a joint conference in SDBs because a flag will attend for 30 minutes; the other services just throw on the jacket and tie during a coffee break.

I can't believe my first post is on uniforms; shoot me now