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Effigy of U S soldier burned in Portland


Well-Known Member
Typical BS.

We have a spot in my town where the collection of former hippies and currant wannabe's group together to hold up signs saying "No more killing in our name" and other such BS.

I like to make sure to run on the sidewalk they stand on.

I like to run wearing a shirt that has an EGA or MARINES on it if not both

And I like to have this stern "Get the F!ck out of my way hippy" look on my face

And while I dont care if they like it or not they get the hell out of my way.


Well-Known Member
Don't like the US? Get the FVCK Out. We don't have fences to keep you in like those socialist/communists these pukes idolize.


Supply Officer
Since when do Americans think that the Soldiers set policy?

I thought we were better than this....


PDX, SEA, SFO, LAX .... such GREAT cities 30+ years ago .... now they are run by the left for the left, the perverted, and the indigent. They are all shit .... :)

My opinion? 1st Amendment??? Right??? :)

My $20 worth ...


Active Member
I'll spare my comments. I just wish this stuff wouldn't make it to the internet... perpetuation of retardation.


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
1st Amendment? Well, the government can't stop you from doing this stupid crap, but I sure as hell would stick my foot up your ass if you burned a flag and an effigy of a soldier.

Notice how the courageous activists instigating this are all wearing masks.

What a bunch of oxygen thieves.


Super Moderator
1st Amendment? Well, the government can't stop you from doing this stupid crap, but I sure as hell would stick my foot up your ass if you burned a flag and an effigy of a soldier.

Notice how the courageous activists instigating this are all wearing masks.

What a bunch of oxygen thieves.

We have to take the bad with the good........

Not that many people protesting, most were gawkers.......


Well-Known Member
What a bunch of oxygen thieves.

That probably explains why they had such a hard time lighting the fire! :D It appears that they paid attention during their college rhyming classes, though. Very clever. :rolleyes:

Oh, well. I hope they feel better about themselves now.


A reply my buddy gave me to this.

You know [raptor10] this reminds me of my dad's flag burning story. Back in the 70's when the vietnam war flaring up, and the crazy hippies were burning flags there was this news radio guy that was interviewing people about all the flag burning that was going on. The news reporter interviewed an older man and asked him how he felt about it. The man said, "I have no problem with it so long as there is no more that six doing it." The news reporter being in shock asks the man why, and the man replied, "Cause thats how many bullets my gun can hold."


New Member
I try not to let these people bother me, although it is hard. The sheer hypocrisy in what they are doing makes me sick, though. At times I think we should ship all these people to some third world country and then see what they rhyme about.


Active Member
Ah, found it ... Ninth Circle, Second Round: Your one-way ticket to Antenora, gentlemen. Enjoy!

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
I say let them practice their 1st Amendment rights. And we'll practice our 2nd Amendment rights using them as target practice. I mean, fair is fair, right?

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
Since when do Americans think that the Soldiers set policy?

I thought we were better than this....

Since most Americans are so far removed from the military AND have at most a rudimentary knowledge of how our Government works.