You're all haters! Funny, legitimately pissed-off haters...but still haters.
Well I got ahold of this region's Officer recruiter and finally have the right ball rolling. Wasted a week with the enlisted recruiter giving me the run around. Hopefully I can get everything taken care of now. Hopefully can get everything done by the time I graduate.
It is a shame really, because its not like these recruiters are just bad guys. They are thrust into an environment which requires them to meet a qouta or it could have a negative impact on their career. Also, it doesnt help the fact that the military is in a time when more and more people are looking for other options after highschool, and communities and school districts are less and less helpful with recruiters.
Sure the recruiters "shouldn't" participate in these tactics, but when it comes down to bringing bacon home to mama and family.. what choices are you really left with?
To be a douche, or not to be a douche? That is the question. A good recruiter does well in his job without the deceit. It's as simple as that.
You're all haters! Funny, legitimately pissed-off haters...but still haters.
^ I don't think setting up a sting operation is really going to do much toward the OP getting to his goal of joining a Commissioning program. Follow the advice given by HH-60H & HeyJoe, and the Officer Recruiter will take care of the rest...
No you don't have to set up a sting operation, but just letting them know in legal terms they are lying and if you need to "show them in writing" should be enough to catch them at their own game. Hopefully it would be a nice wakeup call. Glad to hear you finally got in touch with the officer recruiter.
Out of curiosity, did the Officer recruiter have anything to say regarding the run-around you got?
You guys keep mentioning the horrible job the recruiters are doing.. but no one has mentioned a way to fix it?! The crappy and dishonest system in place now isnt even working to meet recruiting goals. If you look at the big picture.. Big Navy, Army, Air force, and Marines still need recruits. If the horrible numbers continue to decline in an already strained military.. then what?
Well, does the recruiter know for sure that the person is going to do back to back 15 mo tours in Iraq? I think there's a way to make someone aware of what the military is going to expect from him without directly saying "by the way, sign here and you're going to be in Iraq for 2 years straight."I agree recruiters should be honest. Period. How do you go about telling army recruits the truth that they are probably going to enlist and do back to back 15 month tours in Iraq??? Not very many would join.