What about the other 60-70% of E1-E-4 who live on the boat FULL time.
Reason numero uno that I didn't even go see the Navy recruiter.
No BAH, no barracks, no COMRATS.
No BAH or Comrats for us either. Although it doesn't really compare to living in a grey, metal box full time, the barracks thing gets old super fast. I was fortunate enough to never have a roommate who thought knockin' da boots with a barracks rat while you were present was acceptable.
This is one place where I think we've actually pulled ahead of the Navy in comfort. When I came in, we were at the very tail end of all units living in a squad bay, which is a lot like living on a boat. When you made E-4 you got to live in a "room" with another E-4. Your room was made of wall lockers.
Our current 1st Sgts think we're "soft" because we have barracks rooms.
I have known many folks who would share a 2 bedroom apartment with 5-6 people because living on a boat all the time is no fun.
Better than living in a barracks room with 3 others, and having to field day and having H&C inspections every week.
So you can't act like E1-E-4 is some cake walk.
It was never meant to be. I never, ever want to repeat my first year in the Marine Corps. I rank it right up there with living with your mom. You even get the free meatloaf and Jello and things are just as crunchy when you brng women over, but you make WAY more than delivering pizza. The uniform is better, too.
I also visited some Civil War forts/museums. If you made NCO you got to sleep in the same rack with only one other person. What a luxury.