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F18 HARM shooters on 1986 Libya Raid?

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Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
No, I am not interested of AGM-88 itself... It is well known weapon, many had been expended, a lot of them finished in enemy hands...

My question is how A-7 pilots were searching their HARM targets - did they count only on their RWR (ALR-45), or had a better situational awareness, like having the radar picture from their HARM on AN/APQ-126 display... According some memoirs, in Desert Storm A-7 already used TOO mode and Pre-Briefed mode of HARM launch, but was that available in 1986, when clashes over Gulf of Sidra....

It looks like A-7 was pretty complicated frame, as it has AGM-45/88 capabilities long before some other frames....
Mk-2i1T TLAR.

Two eyeballs, one thumb…That Looks About Right…FIRE!

Hair Warrior

Well-Known Member
No, I am not interested of AGM-88 itself... It is well known weapon, many had been expended, a lot of them finished in enemy hands...

My question is how A-7 pilots were searching their HARM targets - did they count only on their RWR (ALR-45), or had a better situational awareness, like having the radar picture from their HARM on AN/APQ-126 display... According some memoirs, in Desert Storm A-7 already used TOO mode and Pre-Briefed mode of HARM launch, but was that available in 1986, when clashes over Gulf of Sidra....

It looks like A-7 was pretty complicated frame, as it has AGM-45/88 capabilities long before some other frames....
Declarative statements on a topic that may or may not be intentionally incorrect or incomplete, hoping for someone to come along and correct the errors, fill in omissions, or provide confirmation. Check. What’s next in the elicitation playbook?

Hair Warrior

Well-Known Member
If you’re making a SAM simulator for fun, as a hobby, like a computer game, well then it doesn’t really matter because the game can be just as fun with made-up parameters. Nobody cares if “X-Wing vs. TIE fighter” has unrealistic weapons systems or TTPs in it.

If you’re making a SAM simulator that requires hyper-realistic or true-to-life parameters… the only people who would need that simulator are nation states with military air forces. Civilian and commercial aircraft don’t need hyper-realistic SAM targeting parameters and TTPs… they just fly around the area on the map where shooting is happening… and they don’t carry HARMs/ordnance.


Well-Known Member
No... The guy that made that SIM is Hpasp (he is Hungarian), and he finished his job, now moving to another project...

I just enjoyed playing it and do some research..... Just wanted to prove to keystone cops here, that I have some researches even before my registration here...

My question is not related to the Sim at all.... It is a more general and related to A-7.... As WWeasel (dedicated SEAD) evolved from F-100/105/4G;EA-6/16CJ;18G), other platforms had those ARM (-45/-88), but with some basic self defense mode....

But A-7 not only was maybe the first aircraft launching HARM in test program, had it it first in real battle, but also (according this book: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiGrrrtouD5AhUXX_EDHfmDDXkQFnoECAwQAQ&url=https://www.amazon.com/Corsair-Units-1975-1991-Combat-Aircraft/dp/1472840631&usg=AOvVaw3KSJSCqQ373FPOfvbdrYe4) had opportunity to use them in pre-briefed mode, also in TOO mode....

A-4 was not modernized to carry AGM-88 at all, not sure how capable were A-6 or 18C/D, still A-7 is like first choice in NAVY (behind Prowler, of course...)...
So I thought I could find some quality opinion - confirmation or denial of that theory.... But it appears that people with real A-7 bio are away of this topic/forum. Only hilarious suspicions so far....
People here obviously don't want to answer your question. Maybe you should move on.


Naval Aviator

Ivan, we know why you're here. The secret is this: HARMs really love Ukrainian folk music. That's it. Just like the Curiosity rover sings "happy birthday" to itself, HARMs sing "Hej Sokoly" all the way to the target.

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