So did we (as F4s). We just never admitted it....
We just liked to drop bombs.

For general info to others and our unwashed youngsters, we all had a wide variety of differing air-to-ground missions. Thus we greatly varied our weapon loads and tactics (for all the different A/C within the Airwing) depending upon not only the target, but also the geographical area and especially the degree of enemy defenses.
Obviously, there was no CAS in the North. And in the South, we rarely had to loiter as the FACs always had a target – CAS or otherwise - for us as a section of F-4s or any aircraft immediately upon check-in. In the North, we did some uncontrolled 2-plane road recces in the more lightly defended areas that took some greater time and gas. We were looking for trucks, trains, barges, troops, bridges, or whoever happened to be shooting at us – SAMS or Triple-A sites. (Our XO once bagged a freight train with a Sidewinder on a road recce. I later got a train, but not with an air-to-air 'winder like I really wanted.)
However, in the really heavily defended areas – like the Than Hoa Bridge, Vinh, and especially Haiphong, Hanoi, and all the area between those two cities, only 30-plane Alpha Strikes occurred. No unprotected sections or divisions.
But the A-6 was the premier attack aircraft, and far ahead of any other Navy or Air Force attack aircraft. Not only were they the best for CAS, but also they were the essence of, and the heavy hitters within a "power-projection" Alpha strike. Unlike any other, they also could and did go out alone at night, low-level and fast to hit heavily defended targets that would normally need an entire Alpha Strike in the day. IMHO, theirs was toughest and most difficult mission in the entire air war (except for maybe Hal-3/Val-4, and the other in-country helos's that got shot down routinely, almost every day.)
Nevertheless, although F-4s didn't have those neat gizmo/pilot-crutches that that those wimpy attack drivers needed for a decent CEP, we with the iron-bombsight (and lots of practice) could usually embarrass those light attack SLUFs! (And maybe occasionally, some nugget medium attack 'uglies'

Dropping "all-or-some bombs" per run also depended upon the target location, and enemy fire. Since F-4s usually only carried 6 Mk-82s or 83s, the FAC would request how many bombs he wanted us to drop on any bombing run. Also, when working a bridge in the North, without FACs and any enemy fire, I would drop 2 MK-82s just to check the wind drift, and then drop the remaining four MK-82s compensating for the observed wind drift. But as A4s has mentioned, in a heavily defended area, "multiple runs" were stupid and for us, 'verboten'.
On earlier cruises, my squadron had lost an excessive number of guys because they were making multiple runs on heavily defended targets. On my later cruise, our CAG and my CO fortunately outlawed any over the North multiple runs, or any "dueling with a flak-site."
Re the number of bombs dropped - individually, cluster, or ripple: I once caught an NVA tank out in the open. He was zigzagging as fast as he could. I dropped 2 MK-82s for effect and missed a little. Next run, I dropped 2 more and thought I got him… but he motored out of the dust and smoke. Dropped my last two directly right on him, and he unbelievably survived. I was pi**d! I thought no way he could survive that. Then, to my dismay, our FAC called in an A-6. He dropped however-many bombs he had on just one pass – cluster!…. And no more tank. (And then somebody (like the FAC) made a snide remark about my fighter A/C compared to a 'true attack' A-6 ….%$#@!.) [Upon review, I may have to edit or delete this embarrassing confession later]
Our F-4 loadout down South was normally a couple of Sidewinders, and 6 MK-82s.
Over the North, it was 4 'winders, and 2 Sparrows, and 6 MK-82s for road recces and TARCAP. For MiGCAP, it was 4 'winders and 4 Sparrows and lots of excited adrenalin, but no bombs, obviously.
We also had occasion to carry and drop from F-4s, anti-ship mines, CBU's, (Cluster Bomb Units), Snakes (retarded bombs) daisy cutters, and even F-4 designated and dropped LGBs (laser guided bombs) late in the war. Our airwing's A-7s also dropped a number of TV-guided Walleyes with great success, as well as their normal Shrikes.