Well-Known Member
Hello. I am a current high school senior and have recently applied for the NROTC scholarship. My goal is to become a Naval Aviator one day and it is being discouraged by my father. He claims the military is full of high school drop outs and kids who would have gone to prison (on the enlisted side) and guys who can't find jobs who are officers. I find this very disrespectful and just would like some feedback on what to tell him. My grandfather was a retired Marine Corps Lt. Colonel who flew in WWII and Korea. He was like a father to me (I'm not close with my father). I just don't know what to tell my father because every chance he gets he tells me that I'll just be among ex-convicts (I'm not sure if he's trying to make me look like I won't be successful or what??). Thanks.
"A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do"
To go off of what the other guys said its your life, live it the way you so desire. If you want to join the military and become a naval aviator then do it, personally I'd tell your old man to stick it but that's just me and I don't have a full scope of the situation. Clearly you're in a tough spot with your old man but live your life how you choose.
"And fuck the naysayers cause they don't mean a thing" ~311