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fed response to Katrina faster than usual


beau said:
When asked if reaction would have been quicker if most of the stranded hurricane victims where white/wealthy vs Black/poor...over 70% of Blacks said yes!
So what??? Does this response suprise you??? I'm sure a majority of whites would say .... "NO". A majority of Japanese would say .... "AH-so". A majority of Mexicans would say .... "Damn Gringos". Etc., etc. on and on and on ..... limes are the answer.


Registered User
It does not suprise me...but it points out a clear division in Though between races...which is truely sad. In Fifty years there we still be be talking about race relations when the issue should have been dropped a long time ago.....Sure there are racists on both sides...there will always be...nothing can change that as of now. I really think it is pathatic how so many things are brought down to race.

Best Eye opening Quote I've heard in a while "George Bush hates black People" on live TV no less.


beau said:
It does not suprise me...but it points out a clear division in Though between races...which is truely sad. In Fifty years there we still be be talking about race relations when the issue should have been dropped a long time ago.....Sure there are racists on both sides...there will always be...nothing can change that as of now. I really think it is pathatic how so many things are brought down to race. .
Sooooooooooooooo then: don't worry about it .... it will never change and there's nothing you can do about other people's bigotry and what other people think . Concern yourself with things you can have an impact on. Forget about trying to right the wrongs of centuries and generations past ......

Just do the right thing and you'll be O.K.


I wake up in the morning & I piss excellence.
beau said:
Best Eye opening Quote I've heard in a while "George Bush hates black People" on live TV no less.
I'm assuming you are referring to Kanye West's quote. If so, not that I am sticking up for him in the least bit, but his quote was not "George Bush hates black people." It was, "George Bush doesn't care about black people." However, if somebody else said what you quoted on live TV, feel free to tell me to STFU and provide that quote.


Registered User
****, my bad....totally miss quoted that one.....

not far off on the meaning of the quote.....

A4's...true...if people could just sit back and chill out things would be a lot better in the world.....too much hate to go around to worry about.


Well-Known Member
I swear i heard Chris Rock, during the fundraising tv concerts last week say "George Bush hates midgets"

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
beau said:
When asked if reaction would have been quicker if most of the stranded hurricane victims where white/wealthy vs Black/poor...over 70% of Blacks said yes! This is a true underlying problem with Race relations in this country! :eek: I cant truely believe that people think like that....people are people are people...this nation is way to rapped up in Race!



I wake up in the morning & I piss excellence.
rare21 said:
I swear i heard Chris Rock, during the fundraising tv concerts last week say "George Bush hates midgets"
Yes, you heard correctly. That was an attempt at humor. He knew the telethon was not going to censor anything except profanity so he threw that in there to be "funny." But coming from one of the biggest racists on TV, I didn't find it funny.


he will die without safety brief
makana said:
Yes, you heard correctly. That was an attempt at humor. He knew the telethon was not going to censor anything except profanity so he threw that in there to be "funny." But coming from one of the biggest racists on TV, I didn't find it funny.
Oh come ON, buddy. He was making fun of Kanye's diatribe. Lighten up a bit.


I wake up in the morning & I piss excellence.
squorch2 said:
Oh come ON, buddy. He was making fun of Kanye's diatribe. Lighten up a bit.
I know what he was doing. I just thought it was inappropriate considering West's original ignorant comments.


Pretty much invincible
I think that it was perfect, considering Kanye West's original ignorant comments. If I must break it down (which really kills the humor in something, y'know?), his comment said, in effect, "A comment that George Bush doesn't care about black people is just as ridiculous as a comment that George Bush hates midgets." At least give the guy credit for agreeing with you.


I wake up in the morning & I piss excellence.
I will quote another website to explain my feelings on Rock's comment since I'm too lazy to type it out.
It was clearly a joke, but it was ill timed and it wasn’t at all funny. I’m fairly sure he was mocking Kanye West and showing what a fool he made of himself or maybe he thought it was funny- I don’t know what his purpose was exactly, but the joke just seemed out of place and ill conceived. Especially considering he made the crack then tried to go into a serious discussion about how Americans should help those who weren’t able to get out of the hurricane stricken areas before it made landfall.

Not a big deal, but, as I said, it seemed out of place and ill-timed. It might have been funny if said in a different setting, but tonight seemed too serious of an occasion to make the statement. I applaud him for mocking West, whose own comments were beyond deplorable, but still- wrong place, wrong time in my mind.