Fleming likes to pontificate, but what really does he have for comparison sakes ?
He has been at USNA for many years (20+ IIRC), never in Service, and really only shows up when somebody in the media wants a discordant viewpoint of Service Acadamies in general. Or in this case, when he has both a new publishing event and an "item" to discourse about in all his robes of excellence.
The kid got a second chance because that is what "they" do these days, he failed the second chance and is GAWN.
Just like any other Midshipman that regretted the initial decision to attend and matriculated out after refusing to sign the 2 x 7. The only thing that made this anything more than business as usual and just a bump on the log was his membership on the football team.
The general thoughts that USNA academic "standards" are lowered in regards to football is that is true EVERYWHERE, even the Harvards/Yales of the world. But if I may spin it oneway, those players spend years in practice before and thru high school and hours per day year round to do both; academic and athletic excellence (or at least what passes for excellence these days). IF they spent those 4-6 hours per day in pure academics could they have the same grades as the students that never leave the Libraries of the world ? The bottom line is that IF athletes (of all sports, not just football) were held to the same admission standards of the general student propulation, then Intercollegiate Athletics as it is now practiced would cease to exist. The pool of available people just isn't large enough to have 117 Div 1A football teams, 135 hoops, etc.
Story; Visiting Princeton on an official visit. Driving thru town with the HC in football. It is Friday night and we are passing a building with all lights ablaze and students in windows. HC, ..."that's the Library, if you get a 3.5 GPA you are awarded your own desk with a window view !" "Gee Coach that sounds great !" (Meanwhile I was at attending a military prep school and was really thinking...when do I hook up with some players and go get a cold beer.) Turned down USMA, went to UNC, then Syracuse (easy to get cold everything up there).