For other SNFO selects waiting from the February board, I heard from my OR last week that it was looking like September 20th-October 20th for my ship date but nothing definite. I believe that would be the Sep. 27th class or Oct. 18th classes. The first two parts of flight school (IFS and API) take about 9 weeks if I remember correctly so you'd graduate from the Sep. 27th OCS class and head to flight school without a long wait right as all those SNFO's who got pushed to the July 26th class start Primary. Could someone with more knowledge of how the Navy schedules things confirm or deny if that makes sense to not have a backed up pipeline? I'm still hoping to go earlier!
Congratulations on your selection Trusty Rusty! Coming from a recent OCS graduate and someone in PCola, I can tell you that timing and the pipeline depends on many factors. Oftentimes the training pipeline gets held up by factors such as weather, money, students in pool, pass rates, NAMI, etc. the only thing I can tell you is this. Learn this phrase, "hurry up and wait."
What I can tell you right now is to remember there are a lot of other officers getting commissioned in the next month as well that will be headed to Florida from ROTC and the Academy. These people too will join the waiting pools, along with marines, coast guard, and other nations services. Each class is very diverse and a lot of big navy wheels are involved in every decision. There are people in APool right now (waiting for IFS) that have been here since last summer. Bottom line is that it can be very unpredictable.
Right now enjoy your family, relax, and know that when the big day comes that you get that call or email with a ship date, know that the countdown begins. Work out hard, aim to MAX out the PT standards, and study the heck out of the stuff in this link. B OCR.pdf You should have it memorized backwards, forwards, sideways, downward, and any other variation of ways VERBATIVE WORD FOR WORD!!! Here are the pt standards: General Physical Fitness/6110.1J.pdf . Be prepared to give 100% every day, both physically and mentally, and don't ever forget why you joined. Most of all stay humble and never forget those who have helped you along the way.
Again, Congratulations on getting selected! Enjoy these precious times, relax, and know that good things come to those who wait.