KAT, SRB: The OPNAV 1420.1B does not reference SRB entitlements for OCS. SRB entitlements in regards to commissioning is under STA-21 and MECP. I would recommend you call the SRB desk in millington TN, Being the NC before with a similar situatio, I reenlisted a Sailor prior to them going to school. They were entitled to the SRB up to the point of entering training. Additionally, If you do receive an SRB prior to enrolling in commissioning YOU MUST sign a page 13 acknowledging that all payments will cease while in training AND/OR SRB payments will continue contingent upon dis-enrollment of training. Master Chief Douglas Irish is the SRB King in bupers; fyi.Checking into FINSEL Purgatory! I received a Pro Rec Y from the 24 August Supply Board.
I have a few questions that I am in hopes that someone can answer for me.
I am Enlisted and am close to 10 years Active Duty Navy. I have a huge question that I cant seem to find the answer to. I planned to re-enlist on October 29th for 6 years to receive a bonus before I hit zone C. Zone B is currently at 2.0 and I think the bonus is near 43k ish.
I remember reading back in July before I even submitted my package that if I re-enlist before I get the FINSEL, that I would receive the initial 50% and would not receive any of the installments.
Well, I just talked to my NC who isn't really the greatest, and she said that I wont get anything at all and/or that I would have to pay it all back if I re-enlist now. I explained to her that I have not been officially selected yet. Even though my re-enlistment has been planned for October for a while now, I don't see why I wouldn't get the bonus if I could make it into the window to re-enlist before I get the FINSEL from my Chain of Command. I think that she is completely incorrect, I just cant seem to remember where I found my information, it was back in July when I was initially looking into it.
Is there anything that would keep me from re-enlisting now that I have my Pro Rec Y from the Supply Board? My command has NOT been notified and I haven't received a FINSEL, so I don't see why I wouldn't be able to re-enlist. I feel that I should be able to continue moving forward with my re-enlistment since I haven't been officially selected (FINSEL) yet. I just hope that I can re-enlist before the FINSEL if I get one. I am just getting concerned because I keep getting told that now that I am aware that I got the Pro Rec Y that I cant re-enlist because I already know that I "am selected" or if I do re-enlist now that I am aware of the Pro Rec Y, that I will have to pay the bonus back no matter what. It's like no one wants to fight for me because I am "going to the dark side".
Final question I promise! No one can seem to answer it for me. Supply Officer was my first choice. Since I got the Pro Rec Y here, I was wondering if this meant my package stopped here, or will it continue on to the NFO and Ocean O boards that I also put on my application? Any and all help or advice on my situation would be greatly appreciated!
Sorry for the long drawn out post. I just wanted to explain my situation thoroughly enough to where it wasn't too confusing.
Thank you,
Quick question for anyone in the know: My processor said that my Final Select Letter was "with the Program Manager". What does that mean exactly and what does it mean for when to expect the letter to arrive?
Got this update today also, let's hope it's a matter of days rather than months.Quick question for anyone in the know: My processor said that my Final Select Letter was "with the Program Manager". What does that mean exactly and what does it mean for when to expect the letter to arrive?
The JUN results are here, just page-up a bit. The MAR ones are possibly here as well. I did the same thing for the IDC DCO boards.Anyone have selection stats for MAR15 and/or JUN15 IDC boards? I'm making a spreadsheet for all.
The JUN results are here, just page-up a bit. The MAR ones are possibly here as well. I did the same thing for the IDC DCO boards.
Those numbers weren't that good. But Ive done some math; historically September boards have a higher %. But I wouldn't use it as a rule of thumb.
Ok, I did ask RUFIO. The reason I stated those numbers look low is because earlier someone posted the below numbers for the March2015 IDC board.Those numbers are pretty damn good, I have seen IDC have selection rates down to 3%
When it comes to IDC they do some odd things, we had a guy selected for an IDC designator he didn't put down, they did things like that, seen it a few times where a person that put down several IDC designators and was picked for one, didn't show up on the N or Y list for the others, so that inflated the selection percentage.
I would ask RUFIO if he knows but I think one of the OR's here had said NRC put out there might be a designator (Intel?) with no quota this board.
Ok, I did ask RUFIO. The reason I stated those numbers look low is because earlier someone posted the below numbers for the March2015 IDC board.
I know IW quotas were reduced due to FY limits from 2 to 1 ratio. Bottom line: I will just wait and see what happens because the information while interesting may not be reliable.
IW: 15%
IW-SWO: 5%
IP: 7%
IP-SWO: 33%
INTEL: 17%