Brittany M
Checking in from the Sept 2015 aviation board! Pro-Rec Y SNFO
Congrats to everyone! Excited to have moved on to purgatory
Congrats to everyone! Excited to have moved on to purgatory
How does one find out that they are "penciled in"? Obviously through your OR but how is that information received?Welcome new FINSEL purgatory friends! I received a pencil date for OCS on 03JAN16, but still no FINSEL. Anyone else here in this class?
I gave a call to see if my FINSEL was in. She said that I didn't have a letter yet, but that a date had been assigned. I'm a non-prior, if that's relevant to this case...How does one find out that they are "penciled in"? Obviously through your OR but how is that information received?
I am in an unusual deployment where I am away from my CoC, so I asked Mr. Paul Celestin. He informed me of my penciled-in date, and shortly after I saw orders in NSIPS.Any active guys or gals have a way to check this "penciled-in" thing?
Still down range, no eyes-on on FINSEL, just orders. My CoC may have them for all I know.@LK2480 Did your orders pop in NSIPS before you received your FINSEL, or did your deployment have an effect on that as well?