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Final Select Purgatory


St. Francis/Hugh Hefner Combo!
Super Moderator
If any Michiganders are going to Torch Lake for the 4th of July, or are seeing the Blue Angles Angels in Traverse City, shoot me a message and we can meet up. Thanks for posting about the Blue Angles Angels Sally Superstar, you initiated my interest to see them.
Not to nitpick... but once is forgivable, possibly a typo, but TWICE in the same paragraph, of the World's premier Flight Demonstration Team... HERESY!!!:eek:
Just my luck... I bought Tigers tickets for the same day the Blue Angles Angels are in Traverse.
Selecting Tigers over Da Blues? Your first DOWN for headwork!:oops:.
Also, it's good to see another Michigander in the thread! It would be pretty cool if we get to class up together.
Future Naval Avjators, too. Did you two dudes go to the same school, or is it something in the Michigan water?;):p


Active Member
Anyone from the April May Pilot/NFO selection get FinSels or orders yet? Ive been tentatively told Sept 21 but no paper proof. Need to leave job at end of month but cant leave too early and run out of money before OCS. Haha tough choices. Also need those orders to give to HR at my work as proof.
Anyone from the April May Pilot/NFO selection get FinSels or orders yet? Ive been tentatively told Sept 21 but no paper proof. Need to leave job at end of month but cant leave too early and run out of money before OCS. Haha tough choices. Also need those orders to give to HR at my work as proof.
Am in the exact same spot. Wish I had some concrete paper evidence. I get so paranoid talking to my OR once a month.


Pro Rec Y SNA
I am tentatively slated for 21 September also as of about... 3 weeks ago. Still no FINSEL, but I am assuming things got put on hold with this latest board popping up compounded with the approaching holiday weekend. I was told I would likely know by the end of the month, but then the board convened.
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OCS 03-15 (IW)
I am tentatively slated for 21 September also as of about... 3 weeks ago. Still no FINSEL, but I am assuming things got put on hold with this latest board popping up compounded with the approaching holiday weekend. I was told I would likely know by the end of the month, but then the board convened.
NOPO has been good about posting when all of the FINSELs are out (here is his post regarding the 20JUL and 10AUG classes). He hasn't posted such a message yet regarding any other classes, so we don't need to worry. Presumably there was some delay (perhaps for the reasons you mentioned), but I'm sure they want to get the letters out to us almost as much as we want to receive them...


Pro Rec Y SNA

Yes his blog is very informative, I'm lucky to have finalized the whole application process during his introduction to this invaluable website. I think I will start worrying when he updates the statuses on the September and October classes being full, and still being empty handed in regard to having a FINSEL. For now I'll keep faith in being there in September and continue taking it one day at a time.

By the way, your study material is outstanding. Thanks!
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I've asked Fronch before, but for the other people who think they have an unofficial date, where did you get that from?


New Member
I've asked Fronch before, but for the other people who think they have an unofficial date, where did you get that from?
My recruiter told me that I am unofficially in the September 21 class a little over a month ago. I hope the FINSEL comes soon as my employer is restructuring.
Well this is embarrassing... I'm just going to cut my losses and admit that it is in fact, the water's fault.


OCS 03-15 (IW)
Wonderful, you were probably the LAST person from the August 31st class (no, but seriously). Congrats!

Now on to my class :p
Sadly, I know at least one other 31 AUG person who is still waiting for his FINSEL... Hopefully they'll all be coming out soon, it seems like whatever the delay was over the last couple of weeks, they're sending letters out again, which can only be good for everyone.
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