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Firing at us? Trying to help you?


Is it baseball season yet?
Yeah, I know, it's messed up. But we have to keep helping them. I'm sure the overwhelming majority of people look at those helicopters as angels. Of course there are going to be some frustrated people in that situation especially with help coming in so slowly because of the lack of infrastructure. I didn't realize until today how small the New Orleans police force is (I read 1500); and they were asking for help from the National Guard. Maybe I'm spoiled being from New York, but that seems like a small force.

I also heard that Mississippi declared Martial Law, has anyone else heard if this is true or otherwise confirm this? It would make sense, there is a zero-tolerance for looters, I was told the sherriff in one county was saying that his jail was made for 500 inmates, and he's already got 1,000, you wanna loot, you'll join them immediately. Martial Law hasn't been seen since the Civil War has it? I think it would make sense that Louisiana declare Martial Law too, now especially with the fires, looting, infrastructure problems, and all the problems at the Superdome regarding lawlessness.


Simba Barracuda.
it's gonna be ugly, but the point's got to be made that looters aren't going to get away with it. problem is, the longer people are hungry, the tougher it's going to be not to go grab food and other desperately needed supplies out of stores.

i agree with the zero tolerance policy, but i know it's going to get very, very ugly in the next few days, and i can't think of a good way around that. not looking forward to watching that happen.

as for the actual shooters, hell, shoot back. they're consuming resources that are needed by people who don't fire at people trying to bring help. yeah, i don't know what's wrong with 'em. didn't get enough hugs as kids, i guess...


Pretty much invincible
I don't know about zero-tolerance for looters; you really have two different kinds. One is the kind that looks around at the death, destruction, horrible loss and tragedy around them and thinks, "Hey, free TV! Grab that DVD player, too!" You don't have electricity, asshat. The other one, though, is the kind that is sitting with his family on the second floor of their flooded house, waiting for someone to come by and resccue them, and realizes that they're all hungry, the baby needs diapers, and there isn't anyone at the Mini Mart to take his money, even if he had any to offer. Lines get fairly blurry in situations like this.

As for the shooting... yeesh. On the news this morning, I heard Carl Quintanilla saying, "They've lost everything, but they still have their guns." People who have lost everything but still have their guns are scary people.


I believe nicotine + caffeine = protein
Road Program said:
"However, the airborne evacuation was disrupted after at least one shot was reported fired at a military helicopter."

Ok, so now the people who were the "poor refuges" a couple days ago are now firing at our helicopters trying to get them out of there? F' em. We've got better things to do with out time and money and certainly don't need to risk our people or equipment.

F*&^ that just pisses me off the nth degree. WTF is wrong with these people?!

Hell, some of them down there in the swamps might not have ever seen helos before. :icon_tong

We can laugh, but this is some serious s h i t. Its hard to see so many Americans put out of their homes. When was the last time an American city lost its power and might not have it for months! Its really crazy. Martial law has to be called. Desperation will set in, and the police couldnt handle that in a normal situation, let alone how it is now. They are all in my prayers.



Hangar Four
The shooting incident noted ended with the arrest of the person but not before the wounding of a National Guardsman. This is a disaster beyond anything that I think we can safely say none of us have seen in the CONUS for a long time if ever.


AV-8 Type
The other one, though, is the kind that is sitting with his family on the second floor of their flooded house, waiting for someone to come by and resccue them, and realizes that they're all hungry, the baby needs diapers, and there isn't anyone at the Mini Mart to take his money, even if he had any to offer. Lines get fairly blurry in situations like this.



Is it baseball season yet?
Cate said:
I don't know about zero-tolerance for looters; you really have two different kinds. One is the kind that looks around at the death, destruction, horrible loss and tragedy around them and thinks, "Hey, free TV! Grab that DVD player, too!" You don't have electricity, asshat. The other one, though, is the kind that is sitting with his family on the second floor of their flooded house, waiting for someone to come by and resccue them, and realizes that they're all hungry, the baby needs diapers, and there isn't anyone at the Mini Mart to take his money, even if he had any to offer. Lines get fairly blurry in situations like this.

I understand exactly what you're saying. I don't believe the people stealing food are criminals at all, especially with the situation of help arriving so slowly. There was a segment in the news where the reporter was going up to looters and asking them what they were stealing/why, and the first lady was like "my kids are starving and I need to feed them... no help has been on its way as far as we could tell." The camera pointed down and showed noodles, bread, and other foodstuffs. I have to imagine this woman would normally pay for her food and I'd have to imagine she'll pay back the store at some point... but then the next looters answered the same and the reporter asked something along the lines of "what do your kids eat Nikes?" The camera pans down and shows a bunch of shoes and sneakers and other stolen articles clearly of no life-necessity value at this juncture... and he, in his cajun accent "aahhh sheeeet man, you got me," and he starts smiling. These are the type of people we should have no tolerance for, and I hope that justice finds him.

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
From: http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/2250831744

Martial Law Declared As New Orleans Floods

August 30, 2005 12:00 p.m. EST
Douglas Maher - All Headline News Staff Reporter

New Orleans,Louisiana (AHN) - Martial law is declared in the city of New Orleans as chaos abounds in Hurricane Katrina's aftermath.

The drastic decision comes after multiple levees break in the city around 2:30 a.m. Tuesday morning.

From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martial_law
Contrary to many media reports, martial law has not been declared in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, because no such term exists in Louisiana state law[4]. Rather, a state of emergency has been declared, which does give some powers similar to that of martial law.


Shut the F#%k up, dummy!
As for Martial Law, I was watching the Homeland Security brief with Sec. Chertoff and the U.S. Army General who was the spokeman for DOD said EMPHATICALLY that martial law has NOT been declared in New Orleans and that it is being FALSELY reported.

The confusion comes from what Steve's post alludes to. Martial law, in layman's terms, means that the Military, as commanded by DOD, is in charge. However, in the case of New Orleans, Homeland Security, through FEMA, is in charge of ALL military assets. As was explained in the briefing alluded to earlier in my post, FEMA requests military assets (i.e., the Iwo Jima Group), the request is vetted through DOD and, if approved, all operational control of those assets goes through FEMA.

"On the evening of August 31, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin did declare "martial law" (in name at least) in the city and said that "officers don't have to worry about civil rights and Miranda rights in stopping the looters.""

So there is the explanation, the mayor has declared de facto martial law which, in THIS case, simply means that he is lifting from officers the necessity of issuing Miranda, etc. In Mississippi the police commanders are calling this the shoot to kill policy on looters.

Hope this helps.