It is definitely the way I read it. "looking at you VP/VQ guys"... "put everyone else on a ground hold"As it should be - and nothing I wrote suggested it shouldn't be. Merely suggesting that not everything that leads us to the PCL = emergency....Which is kinda where the thread was headed, yes?
I agree that a dreaded three engine approach is fairly benign in a P3. But I would never second guess a pilot that felt he/she needed to declare an emergency. Maybe it is a brand new PPC and this is their first 3 engine landing, at max gross weight, unfavorable winds and a full tactical crew? Or, what if controllability might be an issue with loss of rudder authority on landing rollout and the prop didn't feather and is windmilling (I have had three of those landings, and I declared an emergency). I have flown at all P3 locations around the globe, and with all the squadrons as an FRS FIUT and FIT pilot, there are definitely differences in how many squadrons teach handling an emergencies and how weather and local SOP may condition them to respond. NUW with the constant back and forth with the TACAIR community, may predispose a PPC to declare an emergency so their plane isn't unduly delayed getting into the field (I have been delayed multiple times due to TACAIR on the ground and in flight because of course the P3 has enough fuel and can "wait it out"). That may not always be the case. So many different scenarios, I would rather have a PPC that is conservative in their decision making and declare an emergency if they felt they needed it.
On this subject, I also hate when tower calls "landing traffic on final, don't delay/take the nearest intersection". I have seem junior pilots try and dive off the runway, had two recently almost roll a nose wheel. I know you don't want your bud to wave off or execute the missed, but if you told tower well enough in advance that you were a full stop or option, then runway is yours and they shouldn't have sequenced traffic so tight. I know, off on a tangent, must be getting old