Well-Known Member
Aw come on, I liked flashy's post. Good natured AW ribbing.
Now for a real answer to the original question. True I didn't have jet grades in primary, but by that point I didn't want them anyway. After a few flights in the 34 I discovered how much I hated wearing the chute and the O2 mask, and being stuck in something small and narrow (yeah I know the jets are wider than the 34) with restricted maneuverability. (pilot not plane) And then came the solo flights, I got so damn bored flying by myself, I decided that I didn't really want to do that. Call me lazy/underachiever, but I didn't want to put in the effort it took to get jets either. I didn't want to do that much studying in primary and advanced. (turns out I ended up doing a sh!t-ton for the ATO phase of the HSL FRS, but thats another stury) To make a long story short, from the first flight in HTs I knew helos were for me. There wasn't a day in advanced that I didn't look forward to going to work, I love flying helos and I'm glad I selected them.
Good thing. Damn hard to select P3s or Jets out of the HTs