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Flat Earthers, and Nobody Has Been To Space Believers.


Plan “A” Retired
So has anyone been around these types, and how did the conversations go?

I work with a guy who believes all this stuff, he’s quite entertaining at times, other times it’s just sad to see such a wasted mind.


Plan “A” Retired
My neighbor is a die-hard chem-trail conspiracy theorist. She’s on to us!
Currently doing a construction job at Boeing, while driving yesterday another coworker asked me about those white trails in the sky. He honestly had no idea what they were, or what caused them.


Well-Known Member
Going back to the '80, my 7th grade teacher fully believed the moon landings were fake, and made in Hollywood. She expressed that to the class, and I think most people in the class laughed and challenged her (the way a 7th grader would)

Guessing she wouldn't say that to Buzz Aldrin..😄

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
I know a guy who believes in range foulers.
Funny you say that. My tattooist - great guy, and absolutely hard-core convinced that aliens are real, the government is hiding the truth, and that the SoCal oparea videos are indisputable smoking gun proof. He’s quizzed me about it every session we’ve had, and totally does not believe me that I don’t know anything more than what’s in the news. “Yeah but if you did know you wouldn’t tell me.” Which…okay, fair enough.

Also tried pointing out that aliens would be a better explanation from the government’s PR point of view, because unidentified foreigners zooming around in our working areas just makes the government look bad. But what tf are they supposed to do about E.T.?

I don’t think he bought that either. He told me once he considered joining that ‘storm Area 51’ party, so.


Well-Known Member
Funny you say that. My tattooist - great guy, and absolutely hard-core convinced that aliens are real, the government is hiding the truth, and that the SoCal oparea videos are indisputable smoking gun proof. He’s quizzed me about it every session we’ve had, and totally does not believe me that I don’t know anything more than what’s in the news. “Yeah but if you did know you wouldn’t tell me.” Which…okay, fair enough.

Also tried pointing out that aliens would be a better explanation from the government’s PR point of view, because unidentified foreigners zooming around in our working areas just makes the government look bad. But what tf are they supposed to do about E.T.?

I don’t think he bought that either. He told me once he considered joining that ‘storm Area 51’ party, so.
It’s not helping that you got 6 of these…



Registered User
A guy at work told me the Moon is actually an alien space station and hollow because of a video online he saw (it was from an episode of Ancient Aliens). In insisting to another coworker it is hollow, the coworker said, "Yeah, so is your head."
Another coworker says we did eventually land on the Moon, but not in 1968, that that one was fake.


So has anyone been around these types, and how did the conversations go?

I work with a guy who believes all this stuff, he’s quite entertaining at times, other times it’s just sad to see such a wasted mind.
I haven't met any flat earthers yet but I've met some hollow earth and Nazi moon base conspiracy theory believers. They made me laugh and I actually think their ideas about Agartha and Nazis on the moon are kind of fun. 😂

I don’t think he bought that either. He told me once he considered joining that ‘storm Area 51’ party, so.
Watching some of those videos, it looked like a good time. A rave with a bunch of stoners and sci-fi nerds in the desert didn't seem that dissimilar from Coachella or Burning Man.


Well-Known Member
Did you fill out a range fowler reporting form?
Is this something to do with hunting game birds without a proper permit?

An actual guy who fouled a range was L. Ron Hubbard when, as a Navy LT CO of a small ship during WW2, lit up a Mexican island off Coronado...that got him off the golden path, from the FITREPs he received.

Next, Scientology, yay! And yet Naval Aviation let a little midget Scientologist represent them.

I'm guessing Tom believes weirder shit than the earth is flat. 😁