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Flat Earthers, and Nobody Has Been To Space Believers.


Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
I know a fellow historian who is convinced that Reagan died in the 1981 assassination attempt and was replaced by a Disney “Hall of Presidents” animatronic. He was so sincere but I couldn’t help myself and pinned this to my door…I think I made him sad.



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Site Admin
A year or so ago, I did a PR at one of the rural hospitals we service. While all the medicos were making medical gossip, I was chatting with the two Facilities guys about various things and then one of them asked about navigation while flying. He paused, grinned, and then added, "...you know, since the Earth is flat." He was obviously needling the other guy, who immediately got defensive and started to loosely quote something I can't remember from the bible. I smiled and played along, saying something (that I can't remember now) that reinforced the flat earth idea.

The first guy was a little surprised I said what I said, but then I think realized I was joking. But that second guy was a true believer and his seriousness was pretty much exactly the same as when Lawrence says he'd do two chicks at the same time. Completely serious about the idea. That may have been what I chuckled at the most.


Registered User
Some round-earthers believe the earth is a sphere, but it isn’t. It’s lumpy in places and bulges at the equator.
Most people believe the Earth also orbits the Sun, but technically speaking, it doesn't. It instead orbits a central gravitational point that exists between it and the Sun called a barycenter, however given how tiny the Earth is to the Sun, said barycenter is still pretty much at the center of the Sun. Jupiter however, literally does not orbit the Sun, as it is large enough that its barycenter with the Sun is just beyond the Sun's surface. The Sun also orbits this barycenter.


Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
Most people believe the Earth also orbits the Sun, but technically speaking, it doesn't. It instead orbits a central gravitational point that exists between it and the Sun called a barycenter, however given how tiny the Earth is to the Sun, said barycenter is still pretty much at the center of the Sun. Jupiter however, literally does not orbit the Sun, as it is large enough that its barycenter with the Sun is just beyond the Sun's surface. The Sun also orbits this barycenter.
Did you type that while talking like a computerized, artificial voice, Stephen Hawking?

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
Most people believe the Earth also orbits the Sun, but technically speaking, it doesn't. It instead orbits a central gravitational point that exists between it and the Sun called a barycenter, however given how tiny the Earth is to the Sun, said barycenter is still pretty much at the center of the Sun. Jupiter however, literally does not orbit the Sun, as it is large enough that its barycenter with the Sun is just beyond the Sun's surface. The Sun also orbits this barycenter.
I've got a few cousins who think the earth is flat. Their general mentality on anything is that the government lies, which is true. But they take it a step further and then don't believe anything the government says. The government says the earth is a sphere, therefore that must be a lie.


Low calorie attack from the Heartland
Well…things start to shift and bulge when your 6000 years old.
Oh man… reminds me of the time my wife and I went camping with a squadron buddy and his wife in Kennedy Meadows, CA. Everyone was getting along fine, until my wife said something about the geologic lines in a nearby cliff. Buddy’s wife said something like “Well the earth is only 4,000 years old, so it can’t have been like that for very long!”

I started laughing, thinking it was some kind of joke. Quickly realized it wasn’t. My wife and I just looked at each other like “Let’s change the subject… quickly.”

They turned out to be a Christian fundamentalist couple, who didn’t believe in vaccinations, geology, or a good portion of Western medicine.

Needless to say, we never went camping with them again.


Registered User
The post was meant as a fun trivia in response to Hair Warrior's pointing out that the Earth isn't "technically" a sphere. It was just meant for fun, as this is a fun thread. I notice you are knocking on Hair Warrior too, I would say his post was just meant for fun as well, as he mentioned how some "round-earthers" think the Earth is a sphere, which should have been an indication that his post was meant for fun as well.