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Flat Earthers, and Nobody Has Been To Space Believers.


Well-Known Member
I've got a few cousins who think the earth is flat. Their general mentality on anything is that the government lies, which is true. But they take it a step further and then don't believe anything the government says. The government says the earth is a sphere, therefore that must be a lie.
The thing I don't understand with this line of thinking is: what incentive does the government have to lie about the earth being flat? Who benefits?


Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
The thing I don't understand with this line of thinking is: what incentive does the government have to lie about the earth being flat? Who benefits?
Cui gives a shit? It's got a fuckin’ bow on it.


Plan “A” Retired
One thing I asked him was how can the governments of all the countries that have, or had space programs cover up, or silence all the people that are connected to it. His answer was they give them new lives under different aliases.🤯

Average Monke

A primate with internet access
Most people believe the Earth also orbits the Sun, but technically speaking, it doesn't. It instead orbits a central gravitational point that exists between it and the Sun called a barycenter, however given how tiny the Earth is to the Sun, said barycenter is still pretty much at the center of the Sun. Jupiter however, literally does not orbit the Sun, as it is large enough that its barycenter with the Sun is just beyond the Sun's surface. The Sun also orbits this barycenter.
Did you type that while talking like a computerized, artificial voice, Stephen Hawking?

This is all I have been able to think about for the past 15 minutes...