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Flight School backed up


Well-Known Member
Awesome. I'm in NIFE right now and have a few friends in NIFE in the copter program. It's full right now but they may do more groups later. I think it's great cause it gets snas who want helos a guaranteed slot and eats quotas for the ones who want fixed wing.
This program may have some serious ramifications later on in your career. I would recommend that SNAs should just go fly the T6 and even if they still want Helos at the end of primary it’s almost guaranteed that if you put it first on your preference sheet, you’ll get it.
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This program may have some serious ramifications later on in your career. I would recommend that SNAs should just go fly the T6 and even if they still want Helos at the end of primary it’s almost guaranteed that if you put it first on your preference sheet, you’ll get it.
I agree. I would never want to do this program but to each their own. They promised that it will not affect people's ability to come teach at the VTs of they want to for a shore duty. I'm assuming they will need to do all the t6 reqs and then the instructor reqs first before they able to though. What other ramifications do you see happening?


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
What other ramifications do you see happening?

There's more discussion in this thread about it. At the end of the day, the big unknown and possibly biggest ramification is aeronautical experience. Not everyone who shows up to be a VT IP makes it through the program, and in my experience, it's been guys with the absolute minimum flight time requirement to make aircraft commander coupled with less than average AC time.

The HAC time will probably be less of an issue, but could still be a factor. While the FITU isn't a program to weed out IPs and it goes out of its way to help, there's still some reliance on familiarity with the plane from primary while going through the NATOPS phase.

So why does this matter if you just increase the time to train the IUTs? Because now you're also shorting the squadrons of an IP for the expected duration because of an increased time to train.

At the end of the day, the Navy will make do, but personally, even as someone who was WOEFULLY behind my peers in career timing initially, I wanted to maximize my exposure to flying because I like being a pilot. Skipping the T-6 reduces that exposure.


Standing by for the RIF !
@Gatordev what do you think about the SNA COPT-R solos being true "sole occupant in the aircraft" solo. I think that was a nice touch considering the Bell 206 series was always a single piloted aircraft. But a departure from CNATRA thinking from days of yore.


Well-Known Member
At what point do you get your TS out of curiosity? I heard after platform selection? Also do helos still only need secret? Just trying to update gouge I have seen while clicking around.

Congratulations to all the people selected today by the way!


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
@Gatordev what do you think about the SNA COPT-R solos being true "sole occupant in the aircraft" solo. I think that was a nice touch considering the Bell 206 series was always a single piloted aircraft. But a departure from CNATRA thinking from days of yore.

Seems like it makes sense. I could see a complaint being they'd be going from a SP mindset to the HTs where they're supposed to be thinking Dual, but that's nothing new coming from the VTs.

At what point do you get your TS out of curiosity? I heard after platform selection? Also do helos still only need secret? Just trying to update gouge I have seen while clicking around.

I can't speak for HSC, but HSM is TS now. <insert joke at HSC's expense here>