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Footage from Afghan Border Strike

Eliot Watts

New Member
The whole Durand Line thing was a disaster. No respect for the actual topography or more importantly for the tribes that were cut in half. Given how friendly the locals are I have sympathy for the Pakistani desire to leave them well enough alone. Course thats proved to be its own nightmare. It would have been better to aggresively bind the tribal districts into the state and give them a stake in Pakistan.


Well-Known Member
So you are going to rely on Fox News and the President of a pissed off neighbor for your opinion of the Pakistani military? To each their own I guess.....
I'm with Flash (shudder) on this one. I did a bilateral exercise with the Pakistani Marine Corps and was impressed.


I'm with Flash (shudder) on this one. I did a bilateral exercise with the Pakistani Marine Corps and was impressed.

I agree, My boss had a meeting with a couple of their General officers. This man doesnt suffer fools or hand out compliments easy. He said something to the effect that they asked him questions he hadnt even thought of.

He was most impressed.

Also, they all happened to be Indian... Thought that was interesting too.


Dirty Hinge
I agree, My boss had some meeting with a couple of their General officers. This man doesnt suffer fools or hand out compliments easy. He said something to the effect that they asked him questions he hadnt even thought of.

He was most impressed.

Yeah, after some research, and reevaluation I had to change my uninformed opinion. I guess sometimes I spout off emotional garbage without thinking...this would be one of those times...thanks for the corrections guys. :icon_boxi

As a slight threadjack, Fox, CNN, MSNBC, and the AP all seem to suck. Where does one get news that won't make one sound like a dumbass in an argument?
I can only watch so much CSPAN in a week.


Well-Known Member
I agree, My boss had some meeting with a couple of their General officers. This man doesnt suffer fools or hand out compliments easy. He said something to the effect that they asked him questions he hadnt even thought of.

He was most impressed.
They are an impressive lot, especially when you consider they've only been around since the '90s. They thought the USMC was lazy (when we had down time, guys would sit on their packs and eat/smoke/shoot the shit/nap/whatever, and they would do hip-pocket classes/PT). The culmination of the exercise was a joint amphibious assault that was observed by damn near everyone short of the President. It was a bit of a dog-and-pony show in order to convince everyone involved that more exercises with the US were a good idea, but from the hill you couldn't tell if it was a Pak platoon or a USMC platoon... I'd go back and work with them in a heartbeat. Some of their officers noticed the wings on my chest and wanted to know why I was with an infantry battalion, and that spurred a long discussion about FACs and what we do (and they took notes the whole time), and they asked if I would mind if some of their pilots came and talked to me. They never did (we had a very tight time line for everything) but I expect that future exercises (and there was at least one more) may involve the pilots seeing how we do CAS. That discussion did spurn some SIMCAS with the Pak's observing...

Very professional.


As a slight threadjack, Fox, CNN, MSNBC, and the AP all seem to suck. Where does one get news that won't make one sound like a dumbass in an argument?
I can only watch so much CSPAN in a week.
On the television side, BBC World News, CNN International, and even Al Jazeera in English are all pretty good.


Well-Known Member
On the television side, BBC World News, CNN International, and even Al Jazeera in English are all pretty good.
And I would say that even those are all slanted in one shape or another. Watch them all, somewhere in the middle is the truth...


And I would say that even those are all slanted in one shape or another. Watch them all, somewhere in the middle is the truth...

That's easy for someone in the RAG with lots of free time, but for the rest of us who work for a living..... :D

I'm not saying they aren't biased, but as for actually covering real news in a professional manner, they easily beat out the domestic cable "news" channels.


Crusty Shellback
NPR on the morning drive in is usually interesting. Sometimes though, they want to talk about "hot" topics such as the migration of squirrels etc..


NPR is pretty left, they cater to their "sponsors". IIRC they're CEO a few years ago was canned for trying to balance the lean with more conservative viewpoints.

But they are more balanced than CNN or FOX.

I listen to KCRW daily, best music and news on the radio.


NPR is pretty left, they cater to their "sponsors". IIRC they're CEO a few years ago was canned for trying to balance the lean with more conservative viewpoints.

But they are more balanced than CNN or FOX.

I listen to KCRW daily, best music and news on the radio.

Second. KCRW is really good actually. I really like NPR (the main programming not necessarily the local regional stuff) and find it to be pretty balanced. They often have conservatives on like scholars from my old work at AEI (American Enterprise Institute), Heritage foundation etc. You can check them out online.