Disclaimer: All this info is subject to change, and of course this is only as good as the PSD rep I met with today
I just got back from my brief w/ PSD and thought I would shed some light on the current (9APR08) pay/entitlement situation for single SNA's in P-cola who are in A-pool and API since there has been some confusion about what the policy has been:
1) Once you get a BAH request form signed at the BOQ office, you should not have problems getting off-base housing and BAH-S. No BAH-T shennanigans
2) When you pick up follow on Primary orders (the day you class up for API), you begin making per diem for the time you are in API until the point where you detach for Primary. Rate is @ $106/day. Make sure you have reciepts showing that your rent checks cleared during this time period so you can close out the claim when you get to Primary. This part (the per diem while collecting BAH) is contrary to a lot of things I've heard, so I would take this with a grain of salt unless someone else can definitely confirm this.
3) You will be given back-pay in terms of BAH-T for the time that you were en route to P-cola from your commissioning source (read, detach to report period). This one seemed a little bit questionable to me, but hey, if he says so whatever....its not a whole lot of money anyways, even with my 9 days of travel time.
That is pretty much it, at least as far as my check in went. Hope this gives some of you a head's up which I didn't have!
I just got back from my brief w/ PSD and thought I would shed some light on the current (9APR08) pay/entitlement situation for single SNA's in P-cola who are in A-pool and API since there has been some confusion about what the policy has been:
1) Once you get a BAH request form signed at the BOQ office, you should not have problems getting off-base housing and BAH-S. No BAH-T shennanigans
2) When you pick up follow on Primary orders (the day you class up for API), you begin making per diem for the time you are in API until the point where you detach for Primary. Rate is @ $106/day. Make sure you have reciepts showing that your rent checks cleared during this time period so you can close out the claim when you get to Primary. This part (the per diem while collecting BAH) is contrary to a lot of things I've heard, so I would take this with a grain of salt unless someone else can definitely confirm this.
3) You will be given back-pay in terms of BAH-T for the time that you were en route to P-cola from your commissioning source (read, detach to report period). This one seemed a little bit questionable to me, but hey, if he says so whatever....its not a whole lot of money anyways, even with my 9 days of travel time.
That is pretty much it, at least as far as my check in went. Hope this gives some of you a head's up which I didn't have!