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Foreign Degrees


Kinder and Gentler
I presently awaiting acceptance or denial for a graduate program abroad and now I am wondering if having a foreign degree would have an adverse impact upon my application. Are foreign degrees weighed more heavily, less heavily, or as heavily as an American degree awarded?


It really tied the room together.
I was accepted as an SNA with an undergraduate degree from the UK (St Andrews). I had to have some company "translate" my grades for a few bucks. I don't remember the company, my recruiter told me where to go for that.


Kinder and Gentler
Will this new degree alter the manner in which you (speak) post in legalese??


Well, I'd probably begin to infuse "u" into random words, end other words with re instead of er, and I'll most likely replace "z" with "s" in a few others. Overall, it will just improve! :D


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
Well, if you do join the Navy, you'll certainly be one of the more educated officers out there. You might be poking up against age limits, though. Why not persue a doctorate in a legal field, vice a masters'?

Yes, I know JD stands for Juris Doctorate, or some such. But there are PhD equivalents in law, and is seems like a better "x" to get.


Kinder and Gentler
Well, if you do join the Navy, you'll certainly be one of the more educated officers out there. You might be poking up against age limits, though. Why not persue a doctorate in a legal field, vice a masters'?

Yes, I know JD stands for Juris Doctorate, or some such. But there are PhD equivalents in law, and is seems like a better "x" to get.

Yes, you are absolutely right and this is a major concern for me especially since the DAP for JAG has only one selection board a year. So, if I am not selected in '09, I have to wait till '10 when I'm 30. (I just felt an ovary twinge.)

I thought about pursuing a LLM but have not considered a SJD. Quite frankly, I perceive this particular MA as being more in tuned with the type of work I would like to do if I do not join the Navy; a contingency plan, if you will.


Yes, you are absolutely right and this is a major concern for me especially since the DAP for JAG has only one selection board a year. So, if I am not selected in '09, I have to wait till '10 when I'm 30. (I just felt an ovary twinge.)
www.cnrc.navy.mil/noru/orojt/generalofficer.htm#21 said:
Only two attorneys are expected to be commissioned annually.
I wouldn't waste any time if I were you.