If my car mechanic refers to a leaking head gasket as a "slight loss of coolant", it doesn't exactly help me know what has to be done, what it will cost, and what parts are needed. While he is not technically wrong, it doesn't adequately describe the magnitude of the problem, and its immediacy. But if not being "inflammatory" is more important to my mechanic, I will be shocked when I see the bill, and will shortly have a new mechanic.
It's a moot point anyway, since this particular brand of evil uses women and children to wage war as well (reference recent facts in Paris). However, since being "PC" and not offending potential immigrants is evidently of paramount concern, I don't expect any of this discussion to matter. I just find it aggravating that there hasn't even been a discussion of slowing down the influx or reviewing the vetting process, despite over half the governors in the nation calling for it.