I'll be totally honest...
I almost quit a few times: In T-2s, I had a couple of crappy flights while doing RIs and Fams at the same time (double pumps daily)... had an instructor tell me "if you aren't having fun, you might not belong here". Pretty much crushed my spirit to have a fleet experienced aviator tell me that (damned miserable E-2 turd). When I lost sight going over the top in T-2 formation aerobatics... it really spooked me to contemplate taking out 3 other folks due to my own ineptitude (contemplated throwing in the towel again).
By the end of A-4s, I pretty much hated every one of the instructors. Thought to myself, do I really want to be part of this group for the next 8 years?
Single engine on rotation on my third flight in the Tomcat (4 hours total in the bird)... three more in the FRS (around 100 hours)... Thought to myself, after the last one, again loathing the instructors, is flying kick ass (when they work) terrabledactles worth dying over?
Sucked in my first few months in my fleet squadron... felt like the entire CVW watched me land... then the lightbulb came on.
Started having fun, and had fun for the next 3500 hours.
Bottom line: Im glad I was tough through the rough spots.