What specifically did you like about the 737 or 757? The experience is largely up to the configuration of the seats, which is up to the airline. For example, some 777 operators (like United I believe) use 10 abreast seating in economy. Others use 9. Man the 777 is not a comfortable plane. Or maybe it’s fine.
It’s weird explaining this to a pilot.
Like I said, I don’t fly COMAIR much...when I do, it’s either on the Navy dime (cheap) or my own (just a little less cheap) and the best I can wrangle is an Economy Plus seat in the exit row...
Honestly, the best I’ve had in a long time was the three hour flight from SEA to MSP in a Sun Country 737. Lots of room, fairly comfortable seats, cheap as fuck...
They also gave free bags to military and let me board first without being in uniform (a pet peeve of mine that United does...”Cripples, infants and Military in Uniform to the head of the line”...like I’m somehow less tacticool than the AF specialist because I fly in civilian clothing...) with just my ID...