Well-Known Member
$25K for pilots. According to the BUPERS road show last week, it is kept stable @ $25K to avoid the exact problem the Marines have.
WOWZA...that's a lot of dough...
The recent bubba list is missing ALOT of names, quite a few I already knew about, friends getting out and going to do other things....Has anyone Noticed the OCM numbers on the NPC website? Retention rates have not been updated since June '07.
Oh no brother, 3p4Life is a state of mind not my crew position. I've lurked on this site without contributing for some time, but the bonus thing just set me off. Back to the thread.
Look, every other service uses a set number across the board for a bonus. It's not dependant on platform or what year you accepted the bonus. It's the same every year. Not for Marines. Why should a guy who fly's a V-22 be paid any more for doing the same damn job as a guy who drives something else? Say what you want, I've heard all the same cliches, but this sort of program drives a wedge between communities. We are all a part of the same team and share the same risks and skill sets.
There is a perfect storm brewing right now across Marine Aviation, and you can either bury your head in the sand or you can speak up about it. The handwriting is on the wall. OSO's are having a harder time finding people that will sign up. OCS had to adjust it's allowable attrition rate this past summer. The Major's promotion board had to go 10 months below zone to find enough Captains. I don't have the most recent numbers, but of all the eligible helo pilots 180+took the bonus last year. A friend of mine in manpower said it was around 50 for fixed wing. To add to this, the airlines haven't even begun to crank up their hiring, but it's about to go critical mass. At my first interview last month, only 2 of the 12 were civilians. Don't believe me go to any fixed wing squadron and ask the FDO about how many recruiters have called lately. I am telling you it's out of control.
So again I say this bonus does nothing to address those problems. We are heading for a pilot shortage of biblical proportions and nobody is willing to admit it. Instead we hear the same old same old about how we should not do this for money, but rather do the noble thing and stay the course. Someone already brought up "dead grunts don't get a bonus." What!!!?? Do you guys work at HQMC? Are you really that blind? Put down your USAA Retired Officer Quarterly and pick up the clue phone. This bonus is going to cause problems, huge problems.
If you take the Devils money you will live in his lair FOREVER!
Harriers being paid more then Hornets....It has the making of a good bar fight!
Semper Fly!