Sorry - been playing catch up. Lots to comment on (like no Marine DI at ODS) but ill just leave a few thoughts to help.
All the names are on one list with all designators.
SEP Board Selection Stats
CW - 6
IP - 5
INTEL - 54
The IWO community managers control "the numbers or dashboard" as was discussed earlier. Historically it was rare or impressive to get selected first try. Many people needed 2 or 3 (4 in my case) looks before getting selected. The community is not as "healthy" as it once was so I have seen more people getting selected first look now. I think they are accepting less packages per board now. We are seeing people trying to get out too early or not getting qualified within the guidelines so they will look for red flags for that in the board. They look at the whole person concept. I'm also seeing more and more people trying for IP and they still only take 3-8 each board.
Oh wow, no wonder a lot of us didn't get selected for IP. 5 is way lower than what people originally thought with them having 17 slots open.
I wonder why they put more priority on Intel? Cyber / IP is supposed to be in high demand and the most critical, with them always saying they can't find enough people.
Wonder how many people they hired for things like Public Affairs, Human Resources, ...?