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Get ready to be disgusted...


How do you fly a Clipper?
I just had a discussion about this with my roommate who went to Iraq twice as a Marine before he got out. I've never been more suprised at one of his opinions. He actually AGREED with the desertion.

Why do people think they are entitled to back out on their commitments. These men and women signed the dotted line - knowing more or less what they were getting into. Even those that commited before the war began knew of their requirements before they signed on.

This just further demonstrates the atrophy of moral fabric that I've noticed in my years in college. The sense of personal entitlement (read: subsidized health care and abortion) is overcoming that of dedication, duty, and contribution to society. This is a sad thing to witness. That, of course, is just my humble opinion.


Active Member
The sense of personal entitlement (read: subsidized health care and abortion) is overcoming that of dedication, duty, and contribution to society. This is a sad thing to witness. That, of course, is just my humble opinion.

Huh? Could you elaborate on WTF either of the subjects you listed have to do with this topic?


If you gotta problem, yo, I'll be part of it.
Eh? Canadian troops are deployed to only to Afghanistan, not Iraq.
Oh, yeah?!? http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/newsroom/view_news_e.asp?id=1086

There were 16 before the surge, so there's gotta be about 20+/- now.:D:D

My point, of course, was that Canada is FAR from being a neutral country in the GWOT, and it ought to be insulting to them that these guys are showing up expecting asylum while their own sons and daughters are fighting side by side with us. As the Daily Show coverage of Berkeley showed, protestors just don't like to burden themselves with clearly thought out plans that spend too much time on "details" and "facts".

But what would we use the internet for if we weren't able to nit-pick eachother's posts.

Oh, wait, I know.... satisfy my love of hardcore, barely-legal pornography. "I'll smack you in the mouth, I'm Neal Diamond!!!":D


How do you fly a Clipper?
Huh? Could you elaborate on WTF either of the subjects you listed have to do with this topic?

Sorry for not being clear.

What I was getting at was an overall shift of focus from "What is the right thing to do overall" to "What am I entitled to do"/"What is best for me." It is this shift that I attribute to the move for universal health care ("the doctor is too expensive for me, the government should be paying for my health care") and abortion ("it's my right to kill my unborn child - for any reason").

I hope this cleared things up. Again, my thoughts are just my opinion and I am not trying to start any battles. If this still isn't clear, feel free to disregard completely. :D


Nihongo dame desu
("it's my right to kill my unborn child - for any reason").

Are we really going to go there? Really? I'm biting my tongue right now as I assume this isn't a discussion we are supposed have here (wardroom rules and all), but if I'm mistaken, someone please let me know as I'd love to respond.


How do you fly a Clipper?
Again, my thoughts are just my opinion and I am not trying to start any battles. feel free to disregard completely. :D

Like I said...

Look, I was just throwing my thoughts out there. I don't want to piss anyone off. Mouth, meet foot.:banghead_


Solidly part of the 42%.
I smell some of what you're stepping in jt.

Desertion and universal healthcare both have everything to do with the sense of entitlement that the immature of our country are awash in.

Abortion...........not so much. You're pretty much off on that. And that is ALL I have to say about that.


How do you fly a Clipper?
Noted. I'll try to keep my personal beliefs out of things from now on.

I am just sick of leftist dogma and the people associated with it. I can't wait to get out of college. By the way - the "Campus Antiwar Network" at my school has scheduled a mass walk-out from classes on Thursday in protest of the war effort. I am open to ideas to show my support for the mission. I know you guys can get pretty creative.


Solidly part of the 42%.
I am just sick of leftist dogma and the people associated with it. I can't wait to get out of college. By the way - the "Campus Antiwar Network" at my school has scheduled a mass walk-out from classes on Thursday in protest of the war effort. I am open to ideas to show my support for the mission. I know you guys can get pretty creative.

Do absolutely nothing. Unless you go somewhere like Berkeley, it is truly the best thing you can do. I've been in college for 4 years, and I've never had anybody leave any class when a "mass walkout" was scheduled. Of course I've never had an art, humanities, or womens studies class.


Working Plan B
Are we really going to go there? Really? I'm biting my tongue right now as I assume this isn't a discussion we are supposed have here (wardroom rules and all), but if I'm mistaken, someone please let me know as I'd love to respond.
Not calling anyone out here:

In all of my "long years on AW," I have cut my teeth and gotten my head knocked around on just about every touchy subject imaginable.

I have NEVER seen abortion discussed here, and I NEVER want to see it discussed.


How do you fly a Clipper?
Probably better off if it isn't discussed. Again, sorry for bringing that part up.


Registered User
Do 15 months in Iraq and you might think a little different. Especially if they are telling you that you will be going back again for just as long. In Vietnam you did 12 months and after that you would be given the option to get out.
I do not agree with them at all but I don't think its as cut and dry for people to "sideline quarterback" if they hadn't been in their shoes. I have known quite a few friends who came back with sour attitudes and wanted nothing more than to get out of the Army. They didn't jump ship and its wrong when people do but they sure as hell wanted out. I don't excuse the behavior at all, just think their is more too it with some of those that have been there.

On the other hand I have known a couple others who couldn't wait to go back...

I hope you have been over there and outside the wire...Yes, 15 months sucks, but they VOLUNTEERED. It wasn't like they were drafted. And the majority of our folks over there spend there entire time on the FOB (aka Fobbits). One of the folks there was in a communication unit. I would have to ask how much time he spent outside the wire -- because life ain't so bad on the larger FOBs that have the communications units.....


Solidly part of the 42%.
I would have to ask how much time he spent outside the wire -- because life ain't so bad on the larger FOBs that have the communications units.....

i.e. Them bitches have PX's, Subways, Taco Bells, internet cafes and air conditioning. Even Camp Rhino (where I got to spend a whopping 2 dyas)had the restaurants in 2003 before the war. I can't imagine what the bigger bases must be like now.