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Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
Here's one. Are the Israeilis better pilots than the americans?

From what I have seen, if I were able to pick teams for any conflict, I would pick the best of our guys and the best of the Israeli's. I believe I could confidently pit such a team against any other combination in the world, and prevail, every time without question.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Talk to the boys from Korat, NKP, and Udon about that stuff ... it was AF SOP. :)

But then again ... it was on USS BOAT, also. :eek:

The difference being that the USAF had clubs stocked and open for business...whereas das boot is more like a "speak-easy" from the prohibition years (isn't that why staterooms have safes?). It's one area where the Brits and French are more enlightened compared to us*. I've cross-decked to both of their carriers and relaxing at end of day with a pint or having wine with a meal...priceless.

*our having to have a group grope beer day only after earning it the hard way and having to request it from higher authority.


NPQ from SNA
It must be nice to not have to go half-way around the world to fly your combat missions, and be able to return to your real home nightly…………..

Halfway around the world? I'm pretty sure that Lebanon borders Israel and that the fight is very "at home" for them with all of the terrorist bombings and Hezbollah rockets being fired into their country.....

I think that it's sad that their aviators cannot give their real identities to the public for fear of terrorist actions against them. It's much better to be on this side of the pond doing it....


Doing Flips and Shit.
Halfway around the world? I'm pretty sure that Lebanon borders Israel and that the fight is very "at home" for them with all of the terrorist bombings and Hezbollah rockets being fired into their country.....

I think that it's sad that their aviators cannot give their real identities to the public for fear of terrorist actions against them. It's much better to be on this side of the pond doing it....

Read again what Catmando wrote, he is saying it must be nice to NOT have to go half-way around the world to fight, I think a seasoned aviator like him knows where Israel and Lebanon are in relation to each other.


NPQ from SNA
Read again what Catmando wrote, he is saying it must be nice to NOT have to go half-way around the world to fight, I think a seasoned aviator like him knows where Israel and Lebanon are in relation to each other.

You're right - Mea culpa - I guess I went through it too quickly.......


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
I think that it's sad that their aviators cannot give their real identities to the public for fear of terrorist actions against them. It's much better to be on this side of the pond doing it....

You think it is/should be any different for us? Advertising your real ID after having bombed the bad guys is bad juju - period. This business isn't about seeing your name in print in your hometown newspaper, you know. :icon_rage



NPQ from SNA
You think it is/should be any different for us? Advertising your real ID after having bombed the bad guys is bad juju - period. This business isn't about seeing your name in print in your hometown newspaper, you know. :icon_rage


I know, but I think they face a far bigger threat of encountering a car bomb in Israel when they go home at night than your average American aviator. I'm not saying that you can become famous "a la Maverick" by flying in the American military.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
I know, but I think they face a far bigger threat of encountering a car bomb in Israel when they go home at night than your average American aviator.

I think you're missing the point. Advertising your ID is bad in any country. I don't understand your lamenting the fact that they have to remain anonymous over there. "Ahh, if only they got the proper public recognition they deserve." That's what I'm hearing you say and it just doesn't make any sense to me. They're not in this to get their picture in the paper, and you shouldn't be either.



I think you're missing the point. Advertising your ID is bad in any country. I don't understand your lamenting the fact that they have to remain anonymous over there. "Ahh, if only they got the proper public recognition they deserve." That's what I'm hearing you say and it just doesn't make any sense to me. They're not in this to get their picture in the paper, and you shouldn't be either.


I think he is lamenting the fact that if word gets out that he is a pilot, a bomb might drive into his house and kill him and his family. A situation that does not exist here in the US.


You guys are amazing ... can't we have ONE thread on this forum that deals with just military operations/tactics/strategy ??? I.e., no B.S. ???

*sigh* ... I think I just answered my own question .... :) To recap:


..... and THIS IS YOUR ENEMY>>>: