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Gotta Love Hippies


Well-Known Member

This is my hometown and it is one of the most liberal places on Earth. Most of the hippies come from the Evergreen State College, it makes Berkely look like Pepperdine. When you delivered a Pizza there someone was always nice enough to offer you a hit off the bong.

These geniuses are of the same ilk that decided that Olympia did not want the USS Olympia SSN to come visit during that annual Lakefair celebration because a nuclear boat was against their morals.

These are the folks that hate us sheepdogs and think the wolves are all touchy feely animals that don't really want to hurt anybody.

We will continue to keep the wolves at bay whether these hippy sheep like it or not.


Birdman1 said:
Austin? I thought that was where we could go to take vacations away from hipppies. Is nothing sacred?

Hahaha... as Coota said, Austin is the hippie breeding ground. They may branch off to other cities in our fair country but they grow by the organic field full here. I went back to visit earlier this summer and dear God they multiplied by like a thousand. The only consolation for us conservatives is that they are relatively quiet hippies. They mind their own, and rarely march to anything. They don't spray paint ROTC buildings (I mean after all, the University of Texas is the liberal public school of the south). They don't go try and stone recruiters, they aren't really loud about anti-war or weapons.

But by God if you say anything mean about their eco world... they will string you up. They are violent tree huggers. If you threaten to tear down their tree, they will attack you and hang you from said tree. I swear there are hippies on a 24/7/365 watch of the green belt area in NW Austin. They come out of the trees and track you like wannabe Predator's. A couple buddies and I went on down the canyon behind our house which was technically the "green belt" and camped out, had a few beers minding our own... we were assaulted by a squad sized element of tree huggers. Rubber gloves and trash bags at port arms ready to attack us. :D We are lucky though, the tree huggers get no attention from our Republican state government so they have minimal support. They just harass.


haha... my favorite are the "faux-hippies" that I used to see all over the place when I went to Colorado State in Ft Collins. They would go to class barefoot (even in winter), smell like patchouli oil (yuck!) and would wear what could be described as nothing more than a hemp/burlap sack for clothes.... and then drive off in their BMW!


also the Greenpeace hippies that protested our Sub (USS Salt Lake City SSN 716) when we pulled into Hobart, Tazmania back in 2000. They showed up on rubber motor rafts and threw waterballoons full of paint at our boat! Last I checked, waterbaloons and paint were VERY good for our ocean... ???


Well-Known Member
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GMan1976 said:
haha... my favorite are the "faux-hippies" that I used to see all over the place when I went to Colorado State in Ft Collins. They would go to class barefoot (even in winter), smell like patchouli oil (yuck!) and would wear what could be described as nothing more than a hemp/burlap sack for clothes.... and then drive off in their BMW!
I would remind you all that the original hippies of the 60s were also largely the children of upper middle class parents who had done well in the post WWII era. Basically, spoiled brats rebelling against mommy and daddy. Like A4s says, plus ça change...


Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
Brett327 said:
I would remind you all that the original hippies of the 60s were also largely the children of upper middle class parents who had done well in the post WWII era. Basically, spoiled brats rebelling against mommy and daddy. Like A4s says, plus ça change...


Which is funny since the system they desired (communism/socialism) would have denied them all of that.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
Kycntryboy said:
To easy... They always congregate in packs, usually around a store that only offers only "Organic" food. You put up one of those signs somewhere and bam! firewood for the winter.

Hey don't be hating the organic food. I've started eating that stuff... it's much better than normal foods, trust me.


Well some organic food is great. Organic pasta sauces, etc. But Navy if you dare go down the tofu lane, I will respectfully bow to you for doing what few men (real men) have done before.

And define "better," healty... yea absolutely but sometimes you just can't avoid that wonderful deep fried taste of something :D

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
TXHusker05 said:
Well some organic food is great. Organic pasta sauces, etc. But Navy if you dare go down the tofu lane, I will respectfully bow to you for doing what few men (real men) have done before.

And define "better," healty... yea absolutely but sometimes you just can't avoid that wonderful deep fried taste of something :D

I've used tofu in chinese dishes that call for it (mmm hot and sour soup).

Yes, you can avoid it. I lived in Mississippi for 1.5 years... deep fried gets old REAL fast.


I guess I have been out of the south too long, deep fried anything is a real treat for me up here. I am sure it will get old when I get back down there and it is an everyday thing.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
TXHusker05 said:
I guess I have been out of the south too long, deep fried anything is a real treat for me up here. I am sure it will get old when I get back down there and it is an everyday thing.

Deep fried, in most cases, is an excuse for little cooking ability.


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
I hate the hippies (60% of the Pop.) that give Washington a bad name.

I would have to say that figure is a tad inflated...I don't have any hard data on this one, but I would say that the majority of the hippies are in King county and they pretty much stay out of the rest of the state.