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Gun Laws in your state


Brett327 gargles ballsacks

my new motto to live by. Who is it on here who got that engraved on one of their guns? i think i'm taking the money from my dity move and buying an evil black rifle...now...

i'll be running up to San Antonio to hit up Durys for their awesome mil discount on a sweet little handgun too, vawy vawy soon.


Well-Known Member
Well, there is an AW member with "MOLON LABE" (in greek, too lazy to insert real greek) on his AR.

There is a place in UT that does custom lowers with wings. They have the wing template on file, and can add any text you like to yours. I have Wings/Callsign on mine.


Registered User
I showed this to Master the other day. Replacement AR-15 ejection port cover.


You can order them online from Noveske Rifleworks. I certainly did.


Brett327 gargles ballsacks
Thanks MB, that's the one I was thinking of. Just reread gates of fire the other day, too. solid book, solid quote.


A sad day for Americans

If you missed it on the news today......


First off- I'm afraid I missed the memo as to when we gave up our second amendment rights.

Secondly- I would like to hope that if ever come a day when my daughters or I needed protecting from some thug or cowardly lunatic(for example the VA Tech shootings) that some brave and manly marine would save us by putting a bullet into the thug's head.

Thirdly- We need more manly men with guns out there protecting us, and less pencil pushing, liberalistic cowards making policies that render us weak. Perhaps the college leaders could use a basic refresher course that would remind them where their liberties came from.


His blood smells like cologne.
First off- I'm afraid I missed the memo as to when we gave up our second amendment rights.

There are many colleges and universities that don't allow firearms on campus. In many cases, they are private entities that can make whatever rules they like about what people are and aren't allowed to have on their property (unfortunately).

I'm a proud supporter of strengthening our 2nd amendment rights and I don't agree with the school's expulsion of this student, but what a private institution allows on its premisis, and what the Uncle Sam says are two separate issues.

With all of this being said, I must admit that barring firearms from these places certainly doesn't make them safer..... With the exception of bars perhaps....

My humble opinion anyhow...

The Renegade

I’m all for carrying guns for protection, but this Marine should have checked to his university security agreement he signed and agreed to or checked with university security. He’s a Marine, I KNOW they are smarter then that; I have to let base security know when I’m bringing my gun on a Navy base to shoot. Plus, he should have expected such a reaction once someone founded out, especially after all of these schools shootings this country have been having; school security is very hyper sensitive to this stuff now.

Just because you disagree with the rules, doesn’t mean you can just ignore and disobey them… I’m sure he learned at least that in the USMC.


Dirty Hinge
My belief in this matter is that Public Universities should have no right to bar CCW permit holders from carrying a registered weapon (although i don't personally believe we should have to register our weapons..different argument)

They are the same as walking into a public park, down the street, etc. If you have a PRIVATE school that receives NO funding from the government then you can make whatever rules you want...make tuesday panties on your head day for all I care...but while MY taxes pay for a school they sould allow the students to enjoy the same civil liberties as the person wlking across the street from school property (which is MY property as the tax payer0

Maybe we should organize a "Take your Sig to School" Day as a form of protest...I bet the students at VT, NIU, UT, U of Iowa, and CSU Fullerton would probably be willing to allow legal firearms on their campus...


Well-Known Member
Maybe we should organize a "Take your Sig to School" Day as a form of protest...I bet the students at VT, NIU, UT, U of Iowa, and CSU Fullerton would probably be willing to allow legal firearms on their campus...

They did something like that at a few schools in Ohio. Basically had everybody wear their holsters in view without actual guns on them just to let people know that its not just some lone nut job that wants to carry. Still till the Attorney Generals Office and State Leg get together and make another amendment to the bill it wont matter.


I'm with picklesuit on this one. I think it's wrong for the university to make rules that are contrary to our constitution if they are being funded in any form by the taxpayers.

But to me, this also sounds like another example of how far left so many universities have began to lean. If they can have their own rules that contradict my ammendment rights on this issue then are all the ammendments fair game? Does that mean that they could make slavery legal on the campus? Of course not! I mean seriously- you know the ACLU would jump all over that- so why when it is something of a more conservative nature is there not more outcry.

I'll give you the marine should have been following the rules of his school- but I'm saying the rules are wrong if they contradict the rights afforded to me by the constitution.


Combat Engineer
I’m all for carrying guns for protection, but this Marine should have checked to his university security agreement he signed and agreed to or checked with university security. He’s a Marine, I KNOW they are smarter then that; I have to let base security know when I’m bringing my gun on a Navy base to shoot. Plus, he should have expected such a reaction once someone founded out, especially after all of these schools shootings this country have been having; school security is very hyper sensitive to this stuff now.

Just because you disagree with the rules, doesn’t mean you can just ignore and disobey them… I’m sure he learned at least that in the USMC.
He is within his legal right. The university officials are the ones in the wrong. There are a lot of updates since this article came out. Looks like the officials are backing down, as they should since it's a public university and they have no authority in altering fire arm laws in Oregon.


Brett327 gargles ballsacks
There are many colleges and universities that don't allow firearms on campus. In many cases, they are private entities that can make whatever rules they like about what people are and aren't allowed to have on their property (unfortunately).

Virginia Tech's ban on CCW permit holders carrying on campus (public property funded by the commonwealth of Virginia) really helped 32 of my classmates out a little under 2 years ago. This issue hits near and dear to my heart. That invisible force field keeping all the bad people from sneaking guns in must have been down on April 16.