How many HMMs go on float, and then who gets what?
Just one.
A MEU is comprised of:
1. Command Element (MEU Staff)
2. Ground Combat Element (Battalion Landing Team - Infantry Battalion with AAV Platoon, Recon Platoon, Tank Platoon, Artillery Battery, and Engineer Platoon)
3. Air Combat Element (Composite Squadron, beat to death in this thread)
4. MEU Service Support Element (MEU Service Support Group).
Not just a Harrier thing? - funny you don't hear the CH-53 or skid bubbas whining about the MEU structure -- maybe it is a Harrier thing??
I've heard them bitch, just not as much. Again, I think it all depends on the Harrier det, and how they act. My first MEU we had probably the world's worst Harrier Det. It was so bad, that if they walked into the wardroom for lunch, saw a half empty table with Phrog/Shitter/Skid guys sitting there, they would look at us and walk over to a table across the wardroom. With the exception of one pilot, I think I spoke a sum total of 6 words to each of their pilots the entire float. You would try and engage in conversation and they would answer with single word responses. Painful at best.
My second MEU, the Harrier det was great. They would actively engage with every T/M/S and truly integrated in the squadron. Methinks that Phrog "burn" comes from the first example, and not the second.
My other theory is that look at how the chop period goes down. On chop day, they tow the 53's, AH's and UH's over to the Phrog line and all the pilots/crew/maintainers/support move into the Phrog squadron's spaces. Think about how painful those first few months are. When do you start working with the Harriers? Not really until you're midway through your workups. We've already smoothed over the problems with our other T/M/S brethern, and have worked closely with them every day. That process really doesn't start until we go on float since they're up at NKT the whole time.
As for bowing down to the Phrog and how great it is, etc... Like that isn't prevalent in every other community. I don't care if you can lift my house, go fast and hover, shoot hellfires, or that you are so much more than C&C. I love my aircraft as much as you love yours. In the end, it's all one squadron and like it or not - Medium Lift Assault Support is the backbone of Marine Aviation.