...just because you're not getting shot at doesn't mean you don't matter.
My word, where do I start on this one? Ok, we do matter (did in my case) but we're honestly like the foundation guy in a showcase parade dream house. What we do
matters but no one cares when they're looking at the slate floors, African rosewood cabinets, saltwater pool, inlaid Italian glass, etc.
No one gives a hoot about us. Period. I was with CONSTELLATION for FLEETEX '9X and we did the Orange versus Blue war thing. The KITTY started to launch an unfragged (not on the ATO) package of Hornets, Tomcats, etc that were NEVER on any flight schedule. The Admiral tells us that suddenly our cruiser is destroyer plan guard (I'm sure as a punitive gesture for having smacked them). We have 1+00 for gas till we hit 600 lbs (SOP on deck mins).
We have a fragged flight quarter and recovery time in 30 mins. Red Crown won't let us close mother, and Boss won't let us in the airspace to recover. 50 mins later they still tell us not to close mother... Boss said they're trying to recover a Hornet that's already boltered and doesn't have fuel to shore bingo. We tell them we don't have fuel to
WAIT. All I get in reply is, "Standby". We ask no less than three more times with the same reply. Remember now, we had the common decency to frag our flights on the ATO, the "losing" carrier just decides to have a fly day just because, and now it's my problem.
By now we're chatting up a storm on Hawk Link and deciding what to do. The Captain of the ship right out asks me, "
MD ...what do you want to do?"
I told him to give me a green deck and I'm landing in 10 mins. I bustered for Mom and recovered. We never did hear anything on our level for landing inside the carrier's "space" w/o clnc.
But, bottom line. We were less important as four men and a helo than one pilot in a Hornet who couldn't land.:icon_rage