I think eventually F-35 will be an ok platform. I also think it will have some severe growing pains. It's being looked at as a turd now, but so was the Rhino when she first came out. Hell, some of the LRIP Rhinos I flew looked like Rhinos on the outside, but were Charlie's on the inside. I would argue that its really only been since the Lot 28/29 AESA high lot Rhinos came out where they came into their own. The SH's of today are nothing like what they were when they first hit the fleet, or even the first 6-7 years in the fleet. I imagine F-35 will be the same. Spiral development has its goods and bads. Personally, I'm not a fan of single engine a/c around the boat. I know we have done that in the past, but.... Just my 2 pence.