1. I never wanted to be a SEAL (ok, I did - but that was when I was 12)
2. You're right, I'm dumb and gutless. That's how I ended up as a combat proven helicopter pilot.
3. I'm not laughing at you, nor should you pity me. Why? Let's start with your courage comment. I had the courage to FINISH WHAT I STARTED at a service academy. You did not. Brains? Yup. You're fucking smart. You've got a PhD. And you're a teacher. You know the old addage? Those that can't do... Teach.
Spare me with how you're so fucking valuable. How so-an-so, a SEAL and umpty-frats, a Special Operator think you're the bee's knees. I'm here to tell you that their opinion means exactly jack, and shit. Why? Because in case you haven't noticed (in between studying, getting courageous papercuts from grading tests, and guffawing with your jerk-off professor friends over a frappucino in the lounge) there's this little thing called "sequestration" and even if that DOESN'T happen, something called a "post-war military". Those things are making it that "waivers" aren't exactly coming out of a Pez dispenser.
Oh, that's right. You're special. Here's your trophy.
So what you're trying to say is...