Curious what you guys who are/were FRS IP's think ..... of the emerging undergraduate syllabus requirements.
I'm sure someone has this number in mind, but it would be interesting to know what the cost comparison would be to moving some of the tactics stuff to the HTs. I'm guessing the delta would be fairly small since most of the tactics stuff happens in the sims. Whether you expose a stud to Hellfire symbology at the HTs or the RAG, it still takes training time. So if you eliminate a few WTTs in the RAG syllabus, that time has to go somewhere. The actual TOFTs in the RAG would need to stay to give the overall mission exposure. Even CAT 2s, who have a decent idea of what needs to happen, are still learning how to manage the shear volume of information that's coming in on their TOFT 10/18 checks, at least on the Romeo side.
As an aside, was talking to a HT IP yesterday at GNV and he mentioned that there was a AW109 at the Fleet Fly-in. I hadn't heard there was a fourth potential airframe before.