For example, we still run out of T-6 tires- when you mount them they have to cure overnight. Then the tire and wheel is ready to put on an airplane. So far there have been about four solutions to this problem- NAVAIR/Wright Patt looked at a longer life tire several years ago but it wouldn't fit in the gear wells, then a few years ago NAVAIR finished testing another long life tire that would work perfectly well but the final signoff is hung up somewhere in red tape/sand crab lala land, or we could just buy more wheels to have more ready to go tires on hand. The last one, several years ago, was to reduce the tire pressure from rock hard psi to still pretty hard psi. That seemed to improve the tire life from about a hundred landings to a hundred fifty or so (before all of the regular cords are used up and the red ones start showing).
That's kinda the story for a lot of the spare parts. Can't/won't/can't figure out how to/??? spend a bit of money to make the problems go away- or just spend money smarter. Everybody knows it and it's frustrating for everyone.
Ironically, this is something different than the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about.
It amazes me that we went to the moon and put nuclear reactors on submarines just a few decades ago.
By "we" I mean "does not include me anymore." I'm glad I'm retired.
So yeah, good luck with the TH-xx, something that is also near and dear to my heart. Y'all are gonna need it.