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How does the election affect military aviation?


There seems to be a revolution in military aviation altogether irrespective of the present political scene. UAV's have taken a life of their own and the field is gorwing like wild weed. The plan to replace all platforms with fewer aircrafts is also another thing to consider. I think the change begun a while back and it is just going to continue.
I am not sure any of the candidates will drastically sway things.

Just my thoughts


He may not have to...plenty still around including some really sweet ones languishing in New Zealand

USN cum Israeli Scooter back to serving USN again via ATAC


HJ Photo from September timeframe

Which is proof that good things (GREAT things ??? ) often come in small packages ... :D


Sir, be honest, that line never actually worked...

Well ... that's what she said ??? But let's hope you never see a small package from the working end of a gunsight, then ... so how about "little friend" instead ... will that work for you ... ??? :D



Although I'm sure this is 99% speculation, can the saltier aviators chime in on what they feel will change, if anything, under both parties?

From downsizing/billets, to funding, to pay raises, to flight hours, etc.
But back to the original question ...

If ANYONE thinks that the election of an administration staffed primarily w/ military "adverse" bureaucrats -- those who by philosophical bent and indoctrination see the U.S. military as little more than a muscular extension of the Peace Corps -- if you think it will translate into ANYTHING other than less personnel, less money, less seats, less training, less (and older) equipment, and an overall lowering of morale .... assuming we don't get into WW3 .... if ANYONE actually thinks it will be otherwise:

Then you are simply delusional.

Believe it.


What if I don't believe it sir? :D

I don't have any problem w/ you disagreeing and having your own opinion -- even if your opinion is wrong (and I base that on historical precedent, not my own personal likes/dislikes/opinions) -- but I just gotta ask:

If you REALLY believe the shit you put forth ... why in the HELL do you want to be a serving Officer in the U.S. military ... ??? I mean, as a military officer you're gonna have a very lonely and unsatisfying road to travel, assuming you are not just a troll and hang around this fine website for the "sport" of it. You're not going to make many "friends" amongst your contemporaries. Some deluded souls, perhaps ... just not "many". Perhaps you're just a masochist at heart???

My favorite color is "blue" ... but that doesn't mean I vote "blue" nor does it mean I'm a damn fool and don't know reality from the "party line" ... by the way, the democrat party of today is not democrat -- it's socialist & leftist. Now that's opinion ... :)


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
You can cherrypick a couple of weirdos in any large group.

I will say though, that I thought the right wing had jumped the shark in their hatred of Bill Clinton. I was wrong. President Bush has made the left so enraged that they are virtually delirious with hatred. The Democratic Party was already the party of intolerance, but they have been completely unhinged since 2000.


Retired Cryptologic Warfare / Naval Flight Officer
You can cherrypick a couple of weirdos in any large group.

I will say though, that I thought the right wing had jumped the shark in their hatred of Bill Clinton. I was wrong. President Bush has made the left so enraged that they are virtually delirious with hatred. The Democratic Party was already the party of intolerance, but they have been completely unhinged since 2000.

Extreme partisanship is never fun to watch or hear, but what is being said in today's election truly pales to what was being said back in the day...you know, like the election of 1800 (or 1802...too tired to do the math) between Adams and Jefferson. Or almost any other election, for that matter. Honestly, Jefferson would have loved being treated as respectfully as Clinton or Bush were treated.

It's far too easy to wax nostalgic for some halcyon, bye-gone time when everyone stood on principle and were elected because they were self-evidently the best candidate...well...I don't think that time ever existed.
Governance, and the process to be in position to govern, has always been a messy, nasty business.

A4s mentioned that all men have feet of clay...too true. Vote your way but don't go crazy if the result is not to your liking. We can vilify the opposition party (Democrat or Republican) all day long...but in the end they are loyal, patriotic AMERICANS, too.

It is possible for two sane, logical, and intelligent individuals to hold diametrically opposed view points...and neither one needs to classified as "evil". If you doubt that, sit down sometime with a Rabbi, a priest and a Baptist minister.

The bottomline (to me)...especially for all the active duty types...is that we swear an oath to the constitution...never to an individual leader and for good reason. This country could (and probably has) elect a fire-breathing demagogue of either political persuasions...and yet the Union has endured and will endure.

So cringe/giggle/guffaw/change the channel when the weirdos get their 15 seconds of infamy...and remember that our job is to protect the constitution (and the country whose course it directs), against all enemies foreign and domestic.

I'll step down from my soapbox now.